• Stand Firm



    “All this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not made our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand Your truth. Daniel 9:13


    When my husband and I came to faith in Christ it seemed like everywhere we went Christians were talking about creation. It got to the point where we would just chuckle if that was the topic when we visited a church. We really thought people were over doing it!

    Fast forward to today and we are witnessing what happens in a nation that does not recognize God as their Creator. I remember listening to Don Carson about fifteen years ago saying that when he started speaking on college campuses in the eighties there was a general agreement among the students that God exists and that He created the world and all that is in it. In 2001 all that was gone. He was having to start his talks with, “There is a God.”

    A “creator” is a person or thing that brings something into existence according to the dictionary. God has brought all things into existence and as the Creator, He owns us and has both power and authority over us.

    In Isaiah 43 Isaiah is repeating the Words of the Lord to those God has redeemed and that God says are His. He makes some wonderful promises to His people who it would seem He is preparing for a hard time. Isaiah 43:2-3 say, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in your place.”

    It always stands out to me that God does not say His people will be sheltered from hardship or pain. They will pass through waters and fire but the LORD will be with them and will limit the damage done to them as He wills.

    Later in the chapter He reminds them that He has made them for His glory (Isaiah 43:7). As His redeemed people we need this understanding that He is our Creator, that He is the One who will go through all the dark places with us, and that in return, our job is to bring glory to His Name.

    How is the Christian to bring glory to God in a day when looting, burning, pillaging, and sexual immorality run amok?

    Are we willing to stand firm in our faith and defend His Word and His reign over us? Will we speak the truth about ungodly leaders and the spilling of so much innocent blood?  In California there is legislation proposed that would allow pedophiles to go without punishment for having sex with a minor. Where are the Christian voices standing against this kind of harmful (understatement) sin?

    A strong biblical stance requires biblical understanding to back up the willingness to live today for the advancement of God’s Kingdom on earth.  Oftentimes one person’s strong stance will encourage others to do the same.

    Our Creator is also our Savior, our Lord, our Sustainer, and our KING. He has brought us days full of disaster (Amos 4:7; Daniel 9:13). Like Daniel, will we stand firm in our faith and turn to God in prayer, admitting we need understanding of our own iniquities and His truth (Daniel 9:13 above)?

    How will we serve Him in the current climate of disaster?