• Who Are “They?”


    I keep hearing about “them.” “They” are requiring the jab to maintain employment. Now, “they” have approved the shots for elementary aged children (and younger). “They” have assigned a high priority to global warming and “they” are pushing back hard against those of us who believe abortion is murder (or anything the Bible proclaims as truth).

    “They” are not all the same “they” but “they” all believe that they have the power and authority to make their own proclamations. Apparently, most of America believes that, too as “they” comply.

    What is the Christian response?  The word I am hearing somewhat frequently is “resist.” Is this a biblical concept, to resist what is primarily some government agency?

    It is. The two illustrations that are well known are the Hebrew midwives in Exodus 1 and Peter and the Apostles in Acts 5:27-33.

    The Hebrew midwives were ordered by the King of Egypt (who was reigning over them at the time) that when they were called by the Hebrew women to deliver a baby that were to kill the baby if it was a boy and allow it to live if it was a girl. The King was attempting to stop the building of a strong army for the future.

    Here is the rest of the story from Exodus 1:17-20: But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive. So the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said to them, “Why have you done this thing, and saved the male children alive?” And the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them.”  Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and grew very mighty.

    Out of their fear of doing something against the will of God they lied and God “dealt well” with them.

    In Acts 5 Peter and the other apostles were arrested and imprisoned for teaching as they had been instructed not to do.  An angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail for them and told them to return to teaching openly. When they were found they were reminded of the order from the High Priest that they were not to teach. Peter replied that they must obey God rather than man (Acts 5:28-29).

    Many Christians today are standing firmly for their bodies as temples of the Lord believing that masking is detrimental to their health and an experimental “vaccine” is a true risk, not to mention that they are tested on or made from aborted fetal cells. Their own consciences do not allow them to submit to anything they believe goes against God and His Word. Many are losing their jobs to keep their conscience right before God.

    Other Christians are saying that Romans 13 does not allow us to resist. Besides the examples given that are biblical illustrations  of resisting an evil command from any person in leadership, Romans 13 clearly states that it is talking about “ministers for our good” (Romans 13:4). The civil magistrate’s job is to fight evil, not be the deliverer of it.

    Today, the decrees (a.k.a., mandates) being handed down to us from “they” that are in places of power are costing us lives, the innocence of our children as the public school system degrades its teaching more and more away from sound teaching to “progressive” thought that both denigrates and defies the family and teaches children to submit to wicked teaching, and by passing “laws” that call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).

    If what “they” want is not right according to God’s Law, the Christian has no choice but to resist. Resistance requires a strong faith, a life submitted to the Law of God, and a lot of prayer for strength and courage. If we are not ready, “they” are making it clear that it is time to get ready.

    The next generation needs to see our example of fearing God more than we fear “they” who are just men.