• One Orphan One Widow


    Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.  James 1:27


    A Christian friend told me about a problem I could not fix. Though she wasn’t asking me to do anything about it, I wanted to help her. I could have helped, but I would be sick for days.

    She is a widow who has had a rough couple of years with her health. Clearing years of stuff out of her basement, getting some painting done, and doing some deep cleaning, are off the list of her capabilities for now.  But, in order to downsize, it all has to be done.

    She has family who takes care of her, are raising their children, and work full time.

    I felt like that person James talks about who says to people in need, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” (James 2:16) as I went on my merry way.

    Enter, God. In His grace to her and mercy to me, He has provided the help needed to get the work done.

    Shortly after the second time I had this conversation with my friend, driving my guilt even further, a friend who is about to adopt a child from Albania called and asked if I knew a widow who could use some help.  My answer? “Yes, I do.”

    Our adopting friends are participating in a fundraising ministry called “Both Hands.”  Based on James 1:27 (at the top of the page), this ministry’s name  is called “Both Hands” because one hand is helping the widow, while the other hand helps the orphan. It is like many fundraisers where the people volunteering to help the widow ask for pledges from their friends and family. Every penny donated goes to the cost of adopting the orphan.

    This time there is no 5K to run or round of golf. There is a widow who is going to get all that work done needed to simplify her life and move when she is ready.

    The adoptive family has been encouraged to seek donations to help with the widow’s needs. So far, for this family, Sherwin Williams is donating the paint (which they are matching to the color already there), and Chick-fil-a is sending box lunches for all of the helpers there that day. A family of six went to the widow’s home and brought down many heavy boxes from areas she could no longer get to, and her family has been there to help her sort through it all.

    I am rejoicing that a little Down-syndrome girl from Albania is going to move to our area and be raised in the love and grace of Jesus Christ. I am equally thrilled that my widow friend is getting the help she needed.

    Even greater is my awe for our God who saw my angst and supplied what I could not. He truly does give more than we ask or imagine, especially of His mercy.

    Not everyone has a friend who  is in need of funds to adopt, but we all know a widow or an orphan who is experiencing some sort of affliction. Is there just one widow or just one orphan who has a need you could meet?

    If you feel the Spirit of God encouraging you to give toward this adoption you can go here:   https://bothhands.org/project/haines-6209