• The Invisible Fence

    This dog was so well-behaved! I visited the property of the family several times and noticed how well-trained he was.
    He didn’t chase cars in the driveway. He stayed in the yard.
    He didn’t run to the people who were arriving. He stayed where he was, wagging his tail.
    I don’t do dogs but I was impressed!
    One night, as I was entering the building, one of the family members greeted me. I mentioned how impressed I was at the behavior of the dog in the yard.
    She laughed at what a wrong impression I had of their dog!
    There was an invisible fence. If that dog crossed the boundary, he would feel it. She assured me, if he crossed that fence I wouldn’t think he was so well-behaved!
    The “Invisible Fence” was not something I ever thought about. But it is like our invisible fence, visible to us in the Word of God as we live our lives, yet, not visible to those who observe our behavior and see us “staying in the yard” the Lord has given us.
    Before Christ was crucified He was teaching His disciples. He gave them this promise: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26).
    The Holy Spirit is our “Invisible Fence,” our “Reminder.” When we pay attention to His prompting He provides protection. He reminds us of those things that will hurt us or bless us.
    In His grace, God does not physically “zap” us (as the fence does the dog) every time we disobey His commands. If we are in His Word, if we are sensitive to His Spirit in us, He will spiritually remind us of what we are doing that keeps us from receiving all the blessing He promises.
    It is striking that Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance what Jesus has said to us. So, what has Jesus said to us? Are we in His Word enough to know?
    Are we reading only the red-letter words of Christ or do we remember that “All scripture is breathed out by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness?” (2 Timothy 3:16)
    “Breathed out by God.” Jesus is the Word and He is God (John 1:1).
    Some of us need to build our invisible fence so that we know when the Holy Spirit is reminding us of something Christ has said.
    Some of us need to reinforce the one we have so we respond before the pain of not hearing the reminder hits us.
    Some of us need to be more honest about the fence, not taking credit for having good behavior because we are obedient animals (as my honest hostess could have done). It is important for others to know that we are restrained by the power of the Spirit of God in us, not some fabulous will-power of our own.
    Invisible fences are a blessing. That dog is alive because he will not run in front of moving vehicles. The family’s guests are blessed because the dog is so “well behaved.” 
    Obedience brings blessing. Praise God for our Invisible Fence who restrains us!