Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the good sense of your words.
Proverbs 23:9
I must confess that I can be judgmental. In our culture judging others is considered to be a major social offense and an abomination of good religious behavior. Sometimes I get excused as just opinionated – somehow that is okay – but making judgments is not.
I believe that God has called us to make judgments.
The Biblical argument made against judgment is from Matthew 7:1 “Judge not, that you be not judged.” As I look up the cross references in my Bible I see several verses warning about judgment and speaking evil of a brother. Luke 6:37 adds more to the admonition, “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
My problem comes with verses like Proverbs 23:9 (at the top) and a few verses after Matthew 7:1. Verse 6 says, “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.” In Luke 6 it is only six verses later that Jesus tells us that “each tree is known by its own fruit.” How can I determine if a person is a dog or holy, or even a pig, if I do not make a judgment about them? In fact, it seems that the fruit – or lack of it – will help me to make the judgment.
Here is a judgment I recently had to make. A “Christian” organization called looking for a speaker. They wanted a talk on “hope.” I responded very positively at first. What greater hope is there in this world than Jesus Christ? My caller was not as enthusiastic. People they were addressing did not like to hear about Jesus so I would need to go at it from a different perspective. I turned down that speaking engagement because I had to make a judgment about their commitment to serve the Lord (and my own commitment to serve Him).
I teach the Bible and so I want to live by it. Everything a Christian does should honor God and point to Jesus Christ as our hope and the source of salvation. A Christian agency that doesn’t want the name of Christ used- exalted as a matter fact – is in trouble with the Lord. At least that would be my take on it. Is that judgmental?
I talked to someone this week who thinks that I am wrong to pray for the salvation of our president. She thinks he is a Christian. I have been listening to him for several years now. He is in favor of abortion and gay rights. He has publically stated that all roads lead to God – the same God for the Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and I am not sure who else. This does not sound like a Bible believing Christian to me. Is that judgmental?
I definitely understand there are things that I cannot judge. I cannot judge a person’s motives. I don’t know their hearts. I know that God does, I can only see fruit. I know that because I can’t see the heart of a person I can’t really know whether or not they are saved – but if I have any doubt I would rather err on the side of grace. That means I will pray for a person whose fruit looks like they are unbelievers.
I also understand that speaking evil of a brother is clearly against God’s word. Truthfully, I hope I don’t speak evil of anyone and would want someone to point it out if I do. But, I may need to make a judgment about whether or not someone displays evil behavior or speaks evil of others. I may need to separate myself from that person to protect myself. I have seen this with others in abusive situations. Proverbs 4:14-15 teaches us something about this: Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.
We MUST make judgments, about people, about situations, and about what will ultimately draw us closer to the Lord. That is His desire for everyone – to be drawn closer to Him and to look more like Him (Romans 8:29). In His mercy He has left us a whole book about how to do that, what to look for, what to flee from, and what to confront head on.
If we do it God’s way, we will make good judgments that will produce good fruit in us. The, we need not fear how others judge us.