Every mother, father and grandparent wonders what is coming for the children and grandchildren of our day.
Going through our own borough gives me fears I don’t usually have. It’s not the deterioration of the houses or that there is increasing crime on our street. It is the Halloween decorations that a few people have that are, what I consider, over the top. The 12 foot tall skeleton next to the cross on a gravestone. Yards with several gravestones and the forbidding décor of a cemetery. It seems that what is being celebrated is death.
While I don’t want to overstate my case — there are many neighbors with very tasteful decorations of Mums and pumpkins – Halloween appears to be symptomatic of a much larger problem.
We kill babies in the womb and call it healthcare. We kill innocent people in unbiblical wars and call it security. We don’t resist untested “vaccines” and watch as they take the lives of far too many and then encourage people to take the “booster.” The homosexual communities do not procreate; they will die with no heirs. And the horrors of transgender mutilation ends, again, in no procreation.
Why all this love of death? The scriptures say that those who hate God’s wisdom love death (Proverbs 8:36). What does this emphasis on death teach the next generation? I say with fear and trepidation: it is obvious that our nation needs the Lord. We need Christians willing to speak up and teach the truth with compassion for so many who have had no shepherd in their lives (Matthew 9:36).
Lest we think this is just a problem of unbelievers, we (Americans including the Christians), like many nations, are not even replacing ourselves. The current fertility rate for the U.S. in 2023 is 1.784 births per woman (not sure why this isn’t per couple , even if they are not married a baby comes from two people, not one), a 0.11% increase from 2022 (https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/fertility-rate). We have failed to teach even most Christians that God has told us to “multiply and fill the earth” (Genesis 1:22).
There is no overnight “fix” for a nation that has embraced a “culture of death.” As Christians the scriptures say we have been brought from the darkness into the light (Colossians 1:13-14). We need to take that Light and shine it everywhere we go. Will people think we have lost our minds? Yes. Will they say we are hypocrites and try to discredit our faith? Yes. Will some, whose hearts God has prepared, hear our words and look into them? Yes. Will some come to faith and leave the culture of death and come into the Light? Yes.
Let’s not perpetuate the culture of death in our land for coming generations. Let’s look to the things that bring life; faith, marriage, having children, and spreading God’s Word, for the hope of our future and the glory of His Great Name.