It is incomprehensible but true that 210 members of the U.S. House voted against a bill to make it illegal to kill a baby who survives an abortion. That would be a living infant, a baby, a child, made in the image of God.
What is this but a vote for infanticide? This is a vote to kill a living baby that was expected to die in the process of abortion. With the current downward spiral of our culture, what will it be in 5 years? Will we allow infanticide based on abnormalities, speculative diagnosis or even eye color?
By the grace of God 220 members of the House voted to pass the bill that would make infanticide illegal.
If our representatives had to be the ones to kill that little child, would they have voted differently? The Bible says that those who hate God love death (Proverbs 8:36) so maybe that would be fine with them. (Obviously, we have abortionists who are willing to kill babies for the money.)
How we got here would require a lot of historical research. What seems an urgent need now is to make sure that those vote counts are never reversed. Do we, as those who love God and therefore love life, have a responsibility to do something to change the trajectory of the nation? Don’t we have a responsibility to at least say something?
God is sovereign over all so that, no matter what we do, we will only change what He determines it is time to change. It would be hard to deny that well over 60 million dead babies is a judgment of God. So, what is it right for us to do?
Self-examination. This will require some true humility. How many of us are guilty of just remaining silent in any gathering that’s not 100% Christian when the conversation turns to this “controversial” topic of abortion? Do we speak the truth in our homes, in our work places, and even within the Church? Do we know what the Word of God says about it? Will we consider 1 Peter 4:17 which says, “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
Repentance. We cannot simply acknowledge that we have failed to be bold for the truth of the scriptures. We must turn from our fear of man and repent before God that we have not listened to Him as He instructs us to proclaim His good news (Psalm 96:2). (See I John 1:8-10)
Action. Always start at home. According to the gifts given to us by God in our personalities and callings, we are not all born to be activists. But, James does tell us that we are not to be hearers of the Word only. We are to be doers of God’s Word. Do our children or grandchildren, nieces and nephews, the children who come to VBS, know that babies are created in the image of God or that He values all life? Have we taught those in our sphere of influence? God’s word is not just something we learn so we can display our knowledge. “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:20).
We have no other influence in the way an elected official votes except by the way we vote and educate others. Do we know how those we vote for will cast their votes?
It’s not legal for us to physically stop an abortionist or a woman going to hire one (nor the person who arrives with her), but we can use our words to convince them that those babies are created in the image of God and that there is forgiveness, hope and help for those who would turn from the wickedness of abortion.
I am opposed to any bill or legislation that limits the time afforded to abort but still ends with “and then you can kill the baby” which is the pro-life approach. The pro-choice agenda is still worse with “kill any baby.” If those 210 Congressmen had had their way that would mean inside or outside the womb. Tragic.
God values life and so should we. We cannot cast our own votes for those who love death because it is a sure sign that they hate God. We need wise elected officials and God is clear that wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7).
And Christians, let’s choose to heed the word of the Lord:
- Hate evil, love good; Establish justice in the gate. It may be that the LORD God of hosts Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph. Amos 5:15
- And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose Ephesians 5:11