• Christmas “Light”

    Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12


    “What I teach others not to do on Thursday, I find myself doing on Friday!”

    I can remember saying this to my pastor many years ago when he asked me how my teaching was going. It is one of the great and difficult things about teaching the Bible. It isn’t only true for teachers, anyone who spends any time in the Word of God will be convicted and stretched by it. 

    One of the things I have taught at Christmas is that it is a time of year when we need, more than ever, to be in the Word of God every day. We need to be reminded that baking, decorating, buying, and socializing are not all there is to Christmas for the Christian.  Even if we replace the word “socializing” with fellowship, the truth is there isn’t much talk of the Lord at many of our Christmas gatherings.

    I was reading in the Book of John this morning. He does not lay out the birth of Christ like the other gospels, there are no details of the actual conception and birth of Jesus. What he does is characterize Jesus as the Light that shines in the darkness. In John 1:4-5 he says this, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”  

    Again in verse 9 John restates this truth, “The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.” In John 8:12  Jesus is quoted using the term Light to describe Himself. Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

    When I think of Jesus as the Light I remember a facial I once had. The very kind lady doing the facial put this 500 watt light bulb right up next to my face and she found many little “imperfections” on my face that were not visible without that bright light. She played a round of “search and destroy” on those blemishes and it was pretty painful.

    The same thing happened to me when I heard that every person ever born was born a sinner. I asked God to show me if that was true about me. He shined the Light of Truth on my life and I was horrified to find out what a sinner I was (and still am!).  He did His own version of searching and destroying imperfections in me. Thankfully, He is still at work shining His light on my sin. It is often painful but it is always good. (And I thought that facial was painful!)

    This is how I came to saving faith in the work of Christ on my behalf. But, there is so much more that Jesus has been shining His Light on in my life. Several years ago just before Christmas God was shining that Light right on my calendar. He reminded me of the fact that He had given me a family, a husband and children, siblings, and parents, that needed some of my time and attention if I was to honor Him in my Christmas celebrations.

    The truth was that for a few years I allowed myself to be so busy with other things that what my family got was a tired, rushed, and grumpy Mom and wife.

    It is only December 3rd. Are you already wearing yourself out with too much to do? Are you willing to shine the Light on yourself? How much of you is your family getting this Christmas? Will you shine the Light on your calendar and see what has to stay and what can go or be delegated?

    Then, take some time with the Lord. Read the Gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus. Ponder these things like Mary, rejoice in them like the Wise men, and then, like the Shepherds who followed that star, go and tell others what you have seen.  

    Spending more time with family, and more time in the word of God may mean that there are fewer cookies to eat, the house isn’t as decorated as before, and there may be fewer than usual packages under the tree, but hearts will be prepared to truly celebrate the coming of the Christ child.

    Then, after Christmas, when schedules “allow” time in the Word of God, we won’t be so convicted of having neglected our Savior through a few weeks of preparation for the event that should have brought us great joy in Him!

    We need to be in His Word to have His joy. ”These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11