• Stop the Downward Spiral


    The slow downward spiral of ethics and morals in our nations seems to have turned into more of a riptide.

    I know that the police do not always get it right. I know that Romans 13 tells us that our civil government is not to be a “terror to good works, but to evil.”

    Yesterday, the city of Pittsburgh, PA announced that they would have no law enforcement on duty between 3 AM and 7 AM.  There were some exceptions but for the most part each police station would be so limited in staff that the crime would have to be the worst kind of emergencies for a citizen to get any response. (This is my interpretation not their words.).

    Listening to the report, one could not help but think that it was like an all points bulletin for the criminal minds among us (of which there are many): ATTENTION: All crimes in Pittsburgh should now be executed between 3 and 7 AM!

    Crime is evil and evil is bad. The Lord says that we should expose it (Ephesians 5:11). The Psalmist says that evil cannot dwell with God, and that He hates all evil doers (Psalm 5:4-5).

    It is a fearful thing to be one who allows herself to fall into evil behavior.  Proverbs 1 warns us that sinners will try to entice us but we should not consent (Proverbs 1:10). In verse 16 the Word of God says that we should not because these people have feet that “run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood.”

    From random killings of children in schools to abortion, to experimental vaccines, “making haste to shed blood” seems to be a reality in our culture.

    Look at what Proverbs 1:29-33 advises about listening and acting on the wisdom of God regarding sin and evil deeds:

    Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD, would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way, and have their fill of their own devices. For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them; but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”(Emphasis mine).  

    Are we, individually or as a nation, “listening” to the Word of God? Are we taking seriously the requirement to expose evil? Are there Christians counted among those who are allowing the “complacency of fools” to destroy us?

    It has been obvious since the beginning of time that man’s solutions or laws are not going to bring peace and security, or even order, to our society as it spirals out of control.  Nationally, we are allowing more and more evil to prevail as faith and families are invalidated as proper places to teach and train the next generation for good and not for evil.

    There is no political candidate or any set of man-made laws that will make our nation better. A slow and steady evangelization of all who have ears to hear will be the next most helpful thing we can do, first in our homes and then our churches (yes, our churches), and then to anyone within our spheres of influence to whom we have the opportunity to speak the truth.

    We have to know God’s Word in order to live according to it and know the way of God’s grace and peace. Then, we have to proclaim it. There are many opportunities on-line but we are also to love our flesh-and-blood neighbors. Have you and I been out in our neighborhoods recently? Do we speak the truth of God’s Word when we do?

    If we want to stop the downward spiral, the current and coming generations need to know what it looks like. God’s Word is the place to learn how to live it and teach it.

    How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. (Psalms 119:9)