• Just Show Up



    …but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3

    80% of success is showing up.” Woody Allen


    There are many different ways to define success in this life and, for the record, Woody Allen is not my regular “go-to guy” for definitions. But, in this quote he makes a good point.

    My husband and I are at that time of life when we can see what our peers are doing and either be envious of what they have that we do not or too proud of what we have that they do not. Thinking like that reminds me that others are not our standard. We have to think about what God wants.

    True peace and joy for us comes from resting in Christ and knowing that we have spent many years now with a goal of pleasing Him and loving Him by obeying His commands.

    One of the conscious decisions we have made is for me to keep a schedule that allows me to be available to do whatever ministry might need to be done.  Obviously, when our kids were young we prioritized them – but that has been a while!

    Being able to say “Yes” when people ask has been a blessing. Mentoring, teaching Bible studies, meals, cleaning, some babysitting, and even some transport for the older members of our family. Letting my yes be yes can be a little harder. Sometimes a day comes when I have gotten a “better offer” so I have to remember the commitments I have made and who I want to please.

    Keeping our focus on the Lord helps to remind us that God cares if our “yes” is still “yes.” If we love Him we will keep His commands (John 14:15; James 5:12).

    Many times when we think we are “just giving someone a ride” to a Doctor’s appointment or “just dropping off a meal,” the Lord uses the opportunity for us to speak truth or bring some encouragement. In a mentoring or other Bible Study relationship we can teach clearly what the scriptures say about their circumstances.

    Being available in a practical way is a small but very important ministry in need of people willing to “just show up” for whatever is needed.

    This can be a ministry that is even more fulfilling than work in the marketplace. There is a lot of service to be done and few who are willing to do it.

    Could you be available for others in any of these ways?

    • Help a young Mom who is homeschooling.
    • Mentor said Mom so she feels capable (many do not)
    • Think about how you might visit or otherwise encourage the orphan and the widow or the sick person in your local assembly or family.
    • Teach a Bible Study for the younger women in your assembly.
    • Spur others on to love and good works by your example and by encouraging words.
    • Don’t forget you never stop being the helpmate for your husband or the Mother and Grandmother of the family.

    (Feel free to leave more suggestions in the comments.)

    If 80% of success is showing up, imagine how successful you might be if you know that others are thriving in their Christianity because you took the time and energy to “just show up” for them.