Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18
A few years ago some friends started a ministry. They left a regular paycheck to build a ministry without much cash or support at the time. It created a set of circumstances that were financially challenging. We really wanted to help them but weren’t in a position financially to do so.
The woman came to our house one day for an event and we were talking about the needs they had as a family. As we talked I felt prompted to go to my pantry and get some supplies that I just had sitting there waiting to be used. I grabbed without much thought. It was a bag full of random groceries.
A few days later I received a thank you note. As I read it I realized how God speaks to us in the small things. My friend, who loves to cook and is really good at it, had been out of pepper and a large can of pepper was one of the things I grabbed. She was delighted by the pepper.
Her delight in this small provision by God was absolutely contagious. I have no idea what else was in that bag but I remember the joy she expressed that God would choose to give her this little thing that certainly was not going to sustain anyone nutritionally but would give pleasure as she cooked and her family ate.
Being grateful in the little things can make us more aware of the big things. When I talked to her the next time she had stories of leaving church and finding cash sitting on the driver’s seat of their car. There were times when family just stopped by with groceries or they would receive a check from a friend for the exact amount they needed to pay a bill. One the friend would have had no way to know about. God was providing for their needs.
Besides the provision of “daily bread” these encouragements from God through His people have also confirmed the call into the ministry for this family. The difficult step from regular paycheck to total dependence on the Lord to provide what we need requires faith. God builds that faith by His faithful supply of our needs – large and small.
Pepper doesn’t really qualify as a “need”, it was more of a desire. The big things are a relief of need that grow our faith, the little things are a delight that remind us of His faithfulness in all things.
Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Chronicles 16:8