• Following Christ

    When my husband and I were in Belize we met a very nice couple who had just opened a pancake house that we went to for breakfast near the end of our trip.  The pancakes – actually banana fritters – were delicious, but even better was the conversation we had with this couple.   

    Upon arriving in the restaurant Jose’ approached us apologetically telling us that their waitress had had to call off that morning.  Her young son was ill and she had to take him to the hospital.  In telling us about her and about his own lack of experience or ability at waiting tables he “Praised the Lord” at least twice – maybe three times.  We asked if he was a Christian, he said yes, and after waiting on us, he accepted our invitation to sit down to talk.


    Jose’ and his wife, Maria, have been in Belize since June 2011.  They received a call from God which consisted of what Maria described as a “banner” that said, “Sell and give everything My church is in Belize.”  They had been on the mission field before in the Dominican Republic but had been back in Canada for a time.  They said they did not question the command – they obeyed.  They sold off some of their belongings, including their home, they packed some bags and their two children and went to Belize. 

    In the short time that they have been there they have started a ministry.  The Lord has given them a really nice 4 bedroom house for an inexplicably low rent.  They have a church building that was also being left as they were coming.  Again, the rent is amazingly low.  God provides.   

    As we were finishing our conversation two young men were arriving to discuss ministry with them.  God has already placed several strong believers in their new lives who will work with them.  It was an encouraging “Divine appointment” for us.  Here were two people just rolling along in life following the command and direction of the Lord and they were being blessed.  As we talked it was apparent they wanted to know if we were truly saved.  They were thrilled to have a brother and sister in Christ but I know that had we not been – we would have left with the Gospel, if not salvation!  

    They would not tell you that what they have done has been easy or fun.  Maria has been moved from teaching school to making pancakes.  Her children have left family and familiarity.  They arrived not knowing where they would live or how they would pay their bills.  But, in the space of 4 short months they were beginning to see God’s plan.  

    This morning I heard a sermon on Acts 28.  The verses that really struck me were the last two.  Act 28:30-31, “He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.”   

    “He” is Paul, “there” was Rome where Paul initially went to appeal a case to Caesar about his imprisonment.  He was permitted to stay by himself with a soldier to guard him.  So, from that circumstance, for two years, Paul boldly welcomed all who came to him and spoke of the Truth of Jesus Christ.  He was there, not by his own plan, but by God’s sovereign plan.  Paul would not have chosen to be in chains, to appeal to Caesar, or to have a soldier with him all the time.  That was apparently God’s plan and Paul used it to serve Him, boldly welcoming anyone who wanted to hear the Truth boldly taught.   

    That’s how I see Jose’ and Maria.  I admire their desire to follow the leading of the Lord God no matter how inconvenient or difficult the plan may seem to them.  They are the ones the Lord will use to grow His kingdom.  I am afraid that too many American Christians hear testimonies like Jose’ and Maria and they think these people are crazy.  They are –  crazy for Jesus!  

    When Jesus called Matthew to be His disciple the Bible covers it in one verse.  Matthew 9:9, Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he rose and followed him.  

    Matthew was working as a tax collector – it was not a reputable calling.  When Christ called him he got up and went.  God calls only a few people to leave everything they know and love to go serve Him on foreign soil.  Most of us are called to serve where we live, to witness to our neighbors, to be set apart from the things of the world so others will know we are Christians.  

    Paul was in a place with a soldier on guard.  People came to him because they knew what he believed about Jesus and wanted to hear.  He boldly told anyone who would listen.   

    Do we obey God with our next door neighbors?  If He called us to go to Belize or anywhere else in the world, would we willingly sell our stuff, pack our bags and go?  Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 15:14)  When He says follow Me – next door, to the next town, or to the other side of the world – will we keep His command?