• Cleaning Up Inside

    Heart with stethoscope


    And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness.” Mark 7:20-22

    I have been reminded that one should not wait until they’re having company to move the furniture and check behind it for dust and dirt. I cleaned, and cleaned some more because I was hosting a baby shower.

    There were more people coming than I could seat comfortably on my regular living room furniture. I had to rearrange things. I moved in dining room chairs and folding chairs, so all would be able to see each gift.

    As I moved furniture, parts of walls were exposed that I had not seen in months. Dust bunnies had multiplied like real bunnies. Before I had seen them they didn’t bother me, but once I did, I had to get them out of there. I didn’t want to leave it for someone else to see!

    In many ways the messes we carry around with us in our hearts are like this.  If we avoid looking at them, the mess can get pretty big before we see it for what it really is.  It can be something little like adding a big bag of chips to the grocery cart this week and next week thinking that was pretty nice to have around. We keep doing it until we have added five pounds. It may be more subtle. We go to an event or meeting and a man flirts a little. We walk away flattered.  The next time we meet him, we’re checking our make-up or wearing the blouse he complimented.

    We do this with other things like spending money, spending time, and others areas of discipline that we let slide because we just aren’t paying attention.

    STOP!  Check the grocery cart.  Check the heart!  Check the wallet!  Check the time!  Look behind all the normally well placed behaviors that may be hiding some small act that is leading down the wrong path.  It’s much more difficult to clean up when something has multiplied. Catch it while it’s still a little mess and it will easily be swept away.

    God tells us in Proverbs 4:26-27 to ponder the path we are taking so that our ways will be sure.  He says do not swerve to the right or to the left but to turn our foot from evil.

    This is something He gives us to do.  We must be looking for the dirt – the evil – and not swerve onto the path that goes down that road.  He will cleanse our hearts – but only for those who will look for the dirt and repent before Him….and then check to see if it’s there again next week.

    A few dust bunnies still allow room for loving our “neighbors.” That stuff that builds up in our hearts can keep us from full commitment and service to the One who will reveal the mess, so we can do the work to clean it up.

    What needs to be cleaned in your house?