• Live the Lesson

     I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:36-37


    The above verses are scary! How many careless words have come from our mouths…today?

    God calls us to be diligent in the way we teach our children His law (Deuteronomy 6:6-8).

    When we are mentoring, in order to teach a young woman to be obedient to that command (and every other command), we have to be equally as diligent in teaching her. This is, first and foremost, by the example we set. (Which will also influence our family and friends.)

    One of the best ways to be “diligent” is to make a plan and stick with it. A younger woman is watching our example, even if she isn’t conscious of the fact that she is doing it.

    So, what example are we setting?

    • Do we meet when we say we will meet?
    • Are we on time, so as not to waste her time?
    • Are we prepared for the lesson/conversation/Bible Study of the day?
    • Does our phone stay off the table (that text can wait)?
    • Do we faithfully speak to her about the truth of her circumstances?
    • Is our “yes” yes and our “no” no?

    If we teach one thing and live another, she sees it. The message we live has to be as prominent as the lesson we teach.

    This is a concept taught by Christ Himself in Matthew 7:4, “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

    We are intentional when we see our sin and turn from it. We are helpful in mentoring others when we are humble enough to admit our own weaknesses.

    Our words, as indicated in Mathew 12:36-37 (above) are important. We can build other women up or tear them down in a sentence or two. We can encourage or discourage, bring life or death to the soul, just by the words we choose.

    Intentionality in the way we approach others in speech and action is a teacher all by itself. What are you and I unwittingly teaching others that should become intentional?

    Is there a young woman who needs to see you live your faith for the glory of God and her good? Will you intentionally seek to start a relationship with her?