He answered, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” John 9:25
Many presumptions are made about God based on hearsay.
Many years ago a daycare worker said that she was seeing major differences in the children. Several years before, the majority of the children went to Sunday School and had a basic knowledge that there is a God. In the situation of the daycare worker, fewer than 10% had any foundation for faith being taught at home.
Looking back it amuses me because the workers presumed we were Christians because we went to church. We were not. Our kids went to Sunday School and we said grace at meals because that is how my husband and I were both raised.
As the Lord started working on me, I resisted Him because I was sure He was a killjoy who wanted to take all my fun. Salvation meant stranglehold to me. I had been deceived and I was determined to rest in it.
However, our God is the hound of heaven and He did not let me stay in that deception. Though it is embarrassing now, I “resigned” myself to commit my life to Him because, well, He is God and the Holy Spirit was at work showing me that truth.
Hindsight is 20/20. It took time but eventually God’s goodness and His mercy were apparent. The more study and Bible knowledge, the more it was obvious that His ways are far better than anything the world had offered!
One teacher pointed out that all that God has said, every law, every parable, proverb, and all the praises of the Psalms are given for our good and His glory. Let that sink in. God is especially concerned with His own glory but we receive His goodness and protection in the things that bring Him glory!
Understanding of God’s faithfulness toward His people comes as we experience His goodness, His power, His mercy, comfort, and generosity. These things are rewards of obedience to Him in all circumstances.
In hindsight, I was sure I knew what following Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of my life would look like. But, it turns out that the One I thought was the killjoy has brought me much joy and even more peace in my life than I knew was possible (not for lack of difficulties!).
The god that many in this world have chosen is one they think sounds good to them. But, that god is a fictional character.
I was right that the God of the Bible would have high expectations. I was wrong that those expectations would steal anything from me. In hindsight it is obvious that God gives way more than He takes. What He took needed to go. That part wasn’t obvious until He showed me.
How much do you know of the God of the Bible, the One True God? Will you ask Him to show you those things that are meant to be for His glory and your good? They are right there in the Bible for anyone to read and learn from. If you don’t see it right away, keep reading and, in hindsight, it will all become obvious.