• The Cure for Cowardice

    Fear slashed out


    Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13


    There are many times when I have felt like a coward. Opportunities come for me to speak up for God and I have frozen in my tracks, unable to speak. Once, I wanted to tell an old college friend who had just had a heart attack about the Lord. She was telling me that her near death experience gave her confidence that she knew what death would be like. I asked her about Heaven and Hell, telling her she would be headed to one or the other. She dismissed the thought and was obviously unhappy with the turn in the conversation. I clammed up.

    That was several years ago. In the time since then I have spent a lot of time studying God’s Word, praying, and having fellowship with other Christians. My faith has definitely grown as has my knowledge of God’s Word. I have had to consider my own cowardice and how I have failed many times to speak up for the Lord when people use His name in vain, when there is sin that should be confronted so the person will know they need the Lord, or when family has gathered and God is not a part of it.

    When I was talking to my friend, my heart started to beat fast, I needed words and I could come up with nothing more significant to say. I felt like a complete coward.

    Later I realized that I may have said enough. I wanted her to immediately hear me and turn to Jesus for her salvation. God had another plan. Her heart was hard. She has not returned phone calls or emails since that day, several years ago. I do not know if, or how, He has used those words. I hope that today, after spending many years with the Lord and in His Word, I would respond differently.

    Acts 4:13 says that Peter and John were bolder after spending time with Jesus. Is more time with Jesus  what we need to become bolder for the Lord? In our world, we will need to be strong and courageous for Jesus if we are going to be agents of change. We need to know God and His Word in order to speak the Truth so others will see the goodness of God and His grace that follows when we obey His Law/Word.

    Are you afraid to speak the truth to others like I have been? The cure for cowardice is to get to know more and more of Jesus and God’s Word. If we fail to know His Word, we will not know Him.

    How much time do we dedicate to learning and understanding the Word of God? How willing are we to speak the truth in love to our neighbors? Can we really continue to complain about our country if we are unwilling to say the things that will be effective in changing hearts and minds? Do we want  what God wants?

    Are we bold because we have been with Jesus?