• Is That True?



    The first Harry Potter book was published in June of 1997 (at least Wikipedia says so). Our children were 12 and 13. The Christian community we were in was divided on the book. Some argued there was too much mysticism in it and some thought that magic was just evil no matter where it was encountered.

    My husband and I were relatively new Christians and didn’t know how to think about it. Both of our children desperately wanted to read it. The thing that convinced me to allow them to was that during a conversation about it, our then 12 year old son looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Mom, I know the difference between fiction and reality.”

    They read all of the books (more than once) and enjoyed them. They are productive adults today.

    This came to my mind because I read an article this morning describing some of what is happening in Hollywood, on both movies and TV.  (https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/05/no_author/put-a-chick-in-it-and-make-her-gay-and-lame-2/  Warning – there is foul language in the cartoon at the opening of the article).

    The article describes how a lot of older fiction has been distorted, changing the ethnicity or sexuality of characters. But, it isn’t just with fictional stories, they are altering historical information as well. What is being done to them is abominable regarding teaching children to know fiction from reality.

    The author of the article, Elizabeth Nickson, is largely addressing how women are interpreting the times. She quotes what they have said using examples like:

    • The fires last summer were caused by climate change.
    • Deplorables are awful.
    • Abortion is sacred.
    • J6 was not an FBI psy-op, it was a genuine rebellion of nazi rednecks, who are awful.
    • Socialism is necessary and I want a job telling everyone what to do.
    • Everything is the fault of white men.

    One of the scriptural truths that every child needs to be taught is that, “The truth will set you free.” This is a great advantage for the Christian as Jesus promises that if we abide in His Word we will know the truth and that truth will set us free. But it is also a truth for everyone. If we do not teach and respond to the realities of life, then we are “going along to get along” with those who pervert the truth – or suppress it in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).

    Do most of the pre-teen children today know fiction from reality? Are we, or the education we are providing for them, teaching the truth about what they see and hear in the world versus what is true according to the Scriptures and/or history?

    As parents and teachers we have a responsibility to the next generation (and generations) to teach them so they can discern reality and fiction. If Covid taught us nothing else, it is that professionals will repeat whatever they must to keep their jobs. During Covid this was mainly medical professionals, in this case it is mainly school teachers. They are told how to teach history and “social justice” and must not deviate from the set curriculum.

    As parents, we have the responsibility to teach the truth and not to sugarcoat it so we raise responsible adults. Our kids must be taught to ask, “Is that true?” It is only the truth that sets us free.

    “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”  (John 8:36)