• Outrage: Feminists or Mutilation


    In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge. Proverbs 14:26 (ESV)


    I am not a fan of outrage but I’m getting accustomed to its being the new normal  – at least on social media.

    In Michigan, there were doctors arrested for “female genital mutilation” of patients ranging in age from 6 – 8. Apparently there is a sect in the Muslim world that considers it a “moral obligation” to do this hideous thing to their daughters.  I do not understand it.

    These doctors escaped prosecution, not because they were innocent, they were quite guilty as charged. The charges against them were dropped because the federal judge ruled that it was unconstitutional for congress to have passed the law in the first place. It is a federal law and he claims it should be a state law.

    He is right on that. How many of our laws come down from the federal or even Supreme Court level that should be state issues? It seems they do not get challenged.

    My bigger gripe in this issue is the response this decision is getting from the “conservative right” and being shared by Christians. Here are two headlines and their links:

    Judge Rules Against Federal Law that Bans Female Genital Mutilation. Feminists Remain Silent”  https://needtoknow.news/2018/11/judge-rules-federal-law-bans-female-genital-mutilation-feminists-remain-silent/?fbclid=IwAR0OvqQnAOr5LLKlD_viV9tabflUJpaPzRT7PUKHxROy766Mn_bphW56wMQ

    “What’s the point? Men can’t find it anyway!” Feminists Rejoice with Historic Ruling Allowing Female Genital Mutilation: One small cut for women. One giant blow to the Patriarchy.


    So, the greater outrage is not at the parents for demanding it or the doctors performing this cruel procedure; it is against feminists who are not standing against it.

    Christian, where is our outrage about the procedure? Many have been saying for a long time what this judge pointed out in the hearing – that congress oversteps its bounds of authority.  Should we ignore that principle in this case? Should we allow this kind of abuse to happen with no outcry of our own about the practice rather than the feminists?

    Sadly, what this shows is that we believe that if we want something to change, we need the clout of the feminists, the LGBT political groups, or the friends of Planned Parenthood to do the protest for us. Or worse, that all we really want to do is criticize feminists.

    I fear we have lost our saltiness. Even worse, we want others to have it.

    After a number of verses on the cost of discipleship in Luke14, Christ says, “Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored?  It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Luke 14:34-35 ESV)

    Let’s check our own saltiness. Are we willing to stand against evil and promote righteousness? Children should have a refuge in their parents (Proverbs 14:26).

    We will not be popular in our culture when we stand against the things of the world that need to be changed. We will, however, be blessed of the Lord when we obey His Word.

    Genital mutilation is just what it says: mutilation. Are we willing to speak against the evil in our midst to our State authorities who should outlaw it?


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