• Pleasant Places

    Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. 1Peter 4:16

    I have been giving a lot of thought to the work of the Kingdom of God. I received a new issue of “Voice of the Martyrs” magazine. Every time I read what other Christians are doing around the world to bring the Word of God to the lost I am left with understanding of how much some have been called to do for God. Perhaps more to the point is how little God has called me to do for Him.

    I read this morning of people literally risking their lives to take Bibles into territories where Christianity and the preaching of the Gospel are illegal and punishable. The punishments these people are risking are not short stays in a prison with three meals a day and “prisoner rights” organizations checking to make sure they are humanely treated. They know that if they get caught delivering bibles they will be beaten and worse.

    Since I became a Christian there have only been a few people who have voiced any objection to my or my family’s faith. They don’t invite us to as many social events and they avoid the topic of religion. One friend from college stopped speaking to me or responding to cards after I witnessed to her. I haven’t gotten even a Christmas card from her in several years.

    I remember learning that there may be people in our lives when we become a Christian that have to see we will give up even them to follow the Lord Jesus. He is a jealous God and wants to be the Lord of our lives. If someone is trying to sabotage our faith it may be that we have to step back from them – at least for a time. Sometimes they make it easy by being “unavailable” because they don’t appreciate the changes the Lord has brought into our lives.

    Today, as I considered the work of these men in Colombia to get Bibles and radios to people who would not ever hear the gospel because of their physical locations, I realize that I have sacrificed little for my God. He has not asked me to risk my life or my family for Him. He has given me life in a nation where I may legally speak about Him and freely talk about the work He has done in my own life. He has “drawn the lines for me in pleasant places.” (Psalm 16:6)

    This is true for most American Christians who have not been called to a foreign mission field. How have we shown our gratitude? Aren’t we often afraid to speak of Christ’s death and resurrection? We fear being considered extremists or too fundamental. Are we sometimes ashamed of our faith because it does set us apart from the world so much?

    In a world where unwanted babies are killed and discarded we are asked to stand up for the life of the unborn. Have we taken a stand?

    In a world that says a man and woman should just live together, not marry and be bound by such restrictions, the Christian is called to stand firm for God’s plan of marriage. Are we standing firm?

    The world says that any lifestyle or sexual orientation you want to live in is acceptable. “What’s right for you is right.” The Bible says that the plan of God is one man and one woman, not man and man or woman and woman. Will we teach this God’s way to the next generation? Will we speak out against the public schools teaching of “alternative lifestyles” as acceptable for all?

    There are so many ways that the Christian should be seen as set apart from the world’s way of thinking. God hates gossip, greed, slander, malice, and filthy language. He doesn’t call everyone to take Bibles into forbidden territory. He does call each one of His children to stand firm for His Word and to follow His commandments. It is really very little He has asked of most of us. Are we willing to be faithful to the One who loved us so much He has given His life for us?

    Clearly, these men I read about in “Voice of the Martyrs” live by Matthew 10:28, ” And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” We have been called to do so much less for our gracious Lord and Savior. Could we not live by Paul’s words to Timothy? “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15