When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.
Psalm 34:17
It’s out of my control. I find myself restless, wondering what I can do. Is there some way I can help? Nice thought but I am eighty miles away. Then, there’s the schedule. I am not where I thought I would be by now on projects I am working on. Then there are the things that if all else was cool, calm, and collected I just wouldn’t be bent out of shape about but it feels like everything is out of control, But all else is not cool, calm, and collected. I am really not sure about the economy, the Presidential election, or how I should proceed in ministry.
Some would blame other people. Some would blame the devil. Some would look at God and shake their fist and some would cry out to Him. I have been crying out but it appears that nothing is changing. If anything, things have gotten worse lately.
Right now it looks to me like human weakness. I find myself thinking and acting on the Truth of scripture most of the time but when I start to feel defeated or discouraged, I let the doubt roll in. I am reminded of Paul saying he finds himself doing those things he ought not to do and not doing those things he ought to do.
Perhaps Satan, or more likely one of his minions as I am not that big a deal to him, makes the suggestion that I should worry about these things or that I should do more. He may try to distract me from the work God has called me to. According to the scriptures, he looks for ways to discourage and bring doubt. Satan’s schemes, his mere existence, are enough to be discouraging if we believe that he is in control here on earth.
The good news is that the Bible is clear. “Greater is He who is you than he who is in the world,” 1 John 4:4. I do not need to fear Satan or his minions, I do have to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to overcome him and I have to admit that he might be my problem.
In Matthew 6 Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray using the Lord’s prayer. In verse 13 He teaches them to pray like this, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” He knows we will encounter evil or He would not teach us to pray for protection against it.
I know that I need to acknowledge that my current overwhelmed feeling may be a scheme of Satan to render me useless for the Lord. In that acknowledgement I can pray for protection from the One who is so much greater than he is.
But, I must admit that it may be God offering some pruning from a schedule that is too big for me to accomplish it all well. Then my prayer would be different, or may include protection from evil and to see what God wants to prune, – until He lets me know which I am dealing with. I believe that God, like a good parent, does not allow painful times in our lives without an explanation. I need to seek Him to discern His will for my life right now.
God’s word is living and active, sharper than a double edged sword. I am so grateful that He left us with a place to go. I am ready to look for His instructions for me in the scriptures (recognizing He could give them to me from another source if He chooses to). Ephesians 6:12 does say that we will wrestle “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” He also tells us how to stand up under these wrestling matches, with the whole armor of God. This armor includes the belt of Truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith (which can extinguish the flames of the evil one), the helmet of salvation and the “sword of the Spirit” which is the word of God. Add to this praying at all times in the Spirit and you have the prescription for standing firm in the Lord. (Ephesians 6:13-18)
When I take the time to remember who Jesus is and what He has done for me, my fears dim in the light of His grace. When I remember the scriptures and what they teach about the character and the power of God I am grateful that He relieves my anxious thoughts. He lifts the burdens when I consciously keep my mind on Him.
The facts are that many of the things on my mind are out of my control, but, there is nothing outside of the control of the One True God, and Jesus Christ His Son. My own issues and the nation’s issues are already settled in heaven. Hebrews tells us that “In putting everything in subjection to Him (Jesus), He left nothing outside His control.” I can find rest in that truth.