• Sayin’ or Prayin’

    Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

    I was raised in a family that attended a mainline church. We said “God is Great” grace before supper every night and “Now I lay me down to sleep” prayers every night. Both were rote, memorized prayers.

    Otherwise, there was very little discussion of God. Though we did hear His Name being taken in vain from time to time.

    My mother was the one who insisted on our saying prayers every night. As small children she said them with us. As we grew older she would just remind us, “Say your prayers.” as we headed to bed.

    I never realized how ingrained “say your prayers” was for me until a question in an article on prayer caught my attention:

    Do you say your prayers or do you pray your prayers?

    In our own intergenerational home, I have the privilege of hearing our grandchildren’s prayers. What a different approach their parents are taking than did mine. They take turns praying before supper every night. Even the two year old gets his turn.

    What is so interesting to me is that they are being trained to stop and think about what God has provided or done during their day and then, after the food, thank God for other things.

    At night before bed, we overhear similar prayers only each child thanks God for three things from their day. Sometimes this can be funny (to me). At the table they might thank God for the food, Mommy and the baby. Or for swings, the sprinkler, and the chair they are sitting in.

    What makes me kind of jealous is that from a young age these children are being taught to think about what God is doing in their lives. And, to thank Him for it! They are being taught to think about God as they pray.

    When I examine the question, “do I say or pray my prayers,” from an adult perspective I think of all the times I’ve been taught about quiet times and how to make a prayer list or keep a prayer journal. It is like an assignment I need to accomplish, not a conversation with the Most High God.

    But, I find it an interesting exercise to stop and think about what God has done for me today, in order to thank Him for the things happening right under my nose or to be reminded of those things that I should be asking Him to take care of for me.

    I recently heard a Pastor say that some of our most important prayers are those we pray in our moment of need. (Think Nehemiah 2:4) When we’re going into a meeting and we need His help or we are on our way to a doctor’s appointment that we are not sure what the outcome will be.

    In those moments we pray, acknowledging our immediate need of the Lord’s help and our dependence on Him. Are we able to acknowledge that in the day to day prayers of faith?

    Do you and I say our prayers? Or, do you and I pray our prayers?