The fear of man is a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe. Proverbs 29:25 (ESV)
Legal, rare, and safe.
I first heard these words from a representative of a local politician who was trying to get some support for her candidate. Then, I learned that they did not originate with her but have been around for a number of years.
They refer, of course, to abortion. But, abortion is never safe for the baby. It is a false statement to suggest that it can ever be safe. The goal is murder – every time – there is no safe abortion.
But, to some it sounds like the perfect compromise. The truth is that we have proven over time that if it is legal, it will not be rare. Even some Christians show up for abortions thinking they no longer need permission so they will just pray for forgiveness.
Observing what is happening at abortion “clinics” (hard to use this word because generally a clinic cares for their patients) is hard to understand. Apparently, there are women and men who claim Christianity there to abort their child, but they are sure that God has already forgiven them. They know it is murder!
To be clear, God will forgive a truly repentant sinner but repentance involves turning from our sin. If we trust God to forgive us for a sin we deliberately commit presuming on His mercy, we are not showing signs of repentance.
These words from Hebrews 10:26-27 (ESV) should cause us to reconsider any sin we knowingly commit; “For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.”
In other scripture God clearly condemns the shedding of innocent blood and the sacrifice of children. Abortion represents both. (Deuteronomy 19:13; Psalm 106:38; Proverbs 6:17Jeremiah 7:6)
Why have Christians not learned to consider these things before getting to the point of wanting to abort a child?
I remember years ago a woman visiting the church we were attending. During the morning service they made an announcement about a change in the programs for children. They were reducing the number they were serving for reasons regarding discipline.
Our visitor joined us for lunch and we asked what she thought. She said she would never return. She had observed over time that Christians who do not prioritize children in their works, will eventually not prioritize God or His Word. She wondered if a church is not concerned for its children, who it could love.
As a nation, if we can use the words “abortion” and “safe” (as if they could ever be related) we are not considering the baby. If even Christian women and men will not consider their own children and the consequences of shedding innocent blood, we, the Church, have failed to convey the truth of God’s Word.
Because abortion is never safe, like murder it should not be legal. Even one in a million sheds innocent blood – so rare isn’t right either.
God help us to speak the truth in love, to admonish one another and love one another. Let’s start by loving our children, even the pre-born.