There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood…Proverbs 6:16-17a (ESV)
I understand that a responsible American should vote. A responsible Christian has to consider the Lord and His Word in that vote.
I also understand that a responsible Christian will vote according to the Word of God. The “lying tongue” and “hands that shed (or want to legalize the shedding of) innocent blood” are in both major parties. Offering abortions at the party’s national convention is an abomination of grand proportions in my mind.
In the “Institutes of Biblical Law,” by R.J. Rushdoony, in the section on the 9th commandment; You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Exodus 20:16 (ESV), has a section he calls “The Lying Tongue.” One thing he points out is that it has become accepted practice within the realm of the state to lie as deemed necessary to accomplish the desired agenda. Sigh. It appears we are still there.
(I am skeptical about that kind of blanket statement. Does “every” candidate lie?)
I questioned it in my mind and tried to apply it to all I’ve been seeing and hearing from political candidates in the current elections. I realized that many of the lies are so obvious that no one could believe them. Some, I’m sure, I and many others have not yet seen as lies.
Back in 2022 the man running for Governor (in Pennsylvania) against the incumbent promised he “will” remove the school taxes from our properties. We still have property taxes. I like to think he really wanted to change that but he had to know he would not have the power to implement it.
Another man running for office then said, if elected, he would change the way we pay for public schools. He did not say we would not pay for them, just that it would not be attached to our property. It is still the same.
It is hardly necessary to look for more but in 2020 I drove past a billboard with “Uncle Sam” on it which read:
If you want to Fix:
- Healthcare
- Education
- Social Security
Vote Democratic on November 6th
(They won.)
There could be some discussion on whether or not this was a promise, but it certainly surprised me. Leaving aside the question of whether the government should be involved in any of these things, there are different ways to “fix” them. So far, no politician has been able to pass any legislation that has helped with any of them.
As a Christian I want to vote for godly candidates; “A lying tongue” will not do. “Hands that shed innocent blood” will not do. So this is my appeal to godly people; please run for public office so I may vote with a good conscience. I want to both enter and leave the voting booth having remained faithful to God while living responsibly in the land where He placed me.
Please tell me if I have missed the godly qualities of someone on our 2024 ballot.