Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalm 127:3
“It is up to us to determine how many children we have.”
This is lie #27 in Nancy Leigh DeMoss’s book, “Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free. In it she discusses many ways that Christians have been deceived and what the Bible really says about those lies.
Several years ago I taught the truth of what the scriptures say about having children. I have never heard such arguments or had such resistance to any teaching as I did this one. Some young married women were angry.
Recently I was teaching some older, presumably all Christian, women (they were attending a Christian conference). I mentioned Nancy Leigh DeMoss’s teaching that we should allow the Lord to determine the number of children we have. The response was immediate and cold, as if I had committed some sort of heretical crime. The suggestion that God should determine our family size was unheard of among these women.
The family has clearly been attacked as has the role of women (though not every woman) to bear children. The family is God’s design for the organization of cultures and the healthy raising of children who will love and fear Him as adults. This is for His glory. We also know that adults who live according to the Word of God will be more productive in society and will be more likely to love their neighbors.
In her book Ms. DeMoss points out how incongruous it is for us to be “pro-life” and “pro-birth-control.” She says, “Abortion, infanticide and homosexuality are examples of life-destroying practices that have become widely tolerated throughout our culture. Bible-believing Christians are generally quick to refute such blatantly evil practices. However, the evangelical world – including many outspoken “pro-lifers” – has come to accept a number of philosophies and practices that are subtly “anti-children” and “anti-life.” Specifically, birth control.
Malachi 2:15 teaches that godly offspring is one of God’s purposes in marriage. It says, “Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth. “
Most Christian couples today determine the number of children they will have based on the same factors as the rest of the world.
- We don’t have enough money.
- We won’t be able to enjoy the pleasures of the world as much with (more) children.
- My job will be jeopardized if I have to miss work for sick children or other daycare issues.
- This isn’t a good time to have children.
There is no concern for God or the growth of His kingdom in these excuses. The major factor missing faith in the One, True God. He says that children are a blessing. He promises to provide. There may be fewer global excursions, but there will be no lack of joy and entertainment if we live and raise children to believe that God’s grace is sufficient.
I am way past my childbearing years. My husband and I entered those years as unbelievers. We made our own decisions regarding the number of children we had. I loved being a Mom. Not having more children is one of the greatest regrets of our lives.
I write this hoping you will not make the same mistakes. Go ahead, trust God, and abandon the birth control.
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