I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope. Psalm 130:5
“Everything that happens to us is a test. If you wake up in the middle of the night and stub your toe, it’s a test.” I heard this as a part of a sermon not long ago. The last couple of days have reminded me that stubbing my toe is a minor test – but not all of God’s “tests” are so easy to get through.
I am one who is not easily upset by a stubbed toe, even if it is on something someone should not have left for me to stub my toe on in the middle of the night. But, there are decisions that we all have to make in the thick of a difficult time, that will have consequences, and that are hard to see so they are hard to make.
I have had opportunities to offer advice to others, “wait on the Lord, He’ll let you know what to do.” “Pray before you act.” “In the moment, ask yourself, what is God doing?” “Always check your responses with scripture, God blesses obedience.” I often like to teach that we should learn the Word of God well, so when difficult times come we will know what God’s word says and not be as tempted to make an emotional decision.
BUT, sometimes I make an emotional decision anyway and suffer the consequences. I speak too soon or say something I wish I had held in. I get angry, even if I don’t express it out loud I know it has not pleased God. I forget to follow my own advice and think about what God might be doing before I respond to some new set of circumstances.
What I know about God is that He does everything for our good and His glory. I have learned over time that I might not see that when it is happening. I know He has a purpose in everything and one of His purposes is always to conform me to the image of His Son. (Romans 8:29) His Son said He came only to do the will of His Father.
Apparently, when my life is rolling along and there is no hardship I am a little dense to His teaching. He seems to get better results when I have some “affliction” to deal with. Lately, it seems the afflictions have been in the form of grief and some real loose ends. These things seem important from a human perspective but, to Him, I am sure they are minor: why haven’t we found a new house, family members praying for Him to act in their lives on several different issues, salvation for family members we have prayed for for years.
I jokingly say that I would like Him to leave a note on my desk (haven’t gotten one yet) so I could know what I need to do in any given situation. What He has for me is for my good and His glory – I am convinced of that and I always want to be inside the circle of His blessing.
Not finding a note drives me back to the Word of God. He has not left us without His Words even though He never writes us a personal note. I can study His Word and see the principles that apply to each one of these situations. The one I like the least but seem to be hearing the most is “wait on the Lord”.
Psalm 37:34 says, “Wait for the LORD and keep his way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land.” If the way of blessing is to do things God’s way, I will have to wait.
Do you and I know God’s Word well enough to “keep His way?” Are we willing to do the study and practice the discipline of being in a church where the Word of God is faithfully taught so we will be able to make sound decisions pleasing to Him?