Again I saw all the oppressions that are done under the sun.
And behold, the tears of the oppressed, and they had no one to comfort them! On the side of their oppressors there was power, and there was no one to comfort them. Ecclesiastes 4:1
“It’s interesting to say you’re solving a crime by killing a victim.”
This is the answer to the question, “How do you respond to abortion in the case of rape?” by self-described Pro-Life OB-GYN, Camilla Hersh. She does not believe abortion should be legal. (World Magazine, 1/23/16)
I thought her response to the question was brilliant.
Her words reminded me of a book I read a few weeks ago called, “I Am the Exception.” Anna Richey tells her own life story of rape and incest by her stepfather and the resulting pregnancies.
I will not give you the details. She tells them sparingly, but adequately, to describe her situation and dilemmas. The book is definitely worth the read. She has seen the abortion issues from the inside. She has the perspective of the woman whom the abortionists claims to be able to protect. She is the one whom many Christians say needs the option of abortion because of the rape/incest.
Her book made it clear to me that abortion protected her perpetrator and put her in greater danger. We already know from trafficking reports that this is also true for young women forced into sex trades. Pregnancy is hard to hide, the crime becomes obvious.
Abortion protects the bad guys while it brings lasting emotional and mental anguish to the young women. The killing of a baby adds insult to injury.
The thing Anna Richey does not do is paint a pretty picture of being a young girl with a baby from an incestuous relationship. Her life has had some very trying times. She needed – and received – a lot of help.
She subtitles her book like this: A Mother’s Story of Rape, Conception, and the Grace of God.
As many young women who have lived in abusive situations as children, Anna Richey made some bad choices in men and in caring for herself as an adult. In her story she explains how God redeemed her, and her situation, and how He uses her children to do it.
It is apparent that Christians need to become more actively and publicly anti-abortion rather than Pro-life. It is sinful that we silently stand by and allow millions of babies to be killed annually.
Just as bad, we are protecting the criminal and punishing the innocent. Even if rape and trafficking victims only make up 1% of the total abortions, their lives matter! Moms and babies.
As I see more and more about how abortion protects these abusive predators of young women, I understand that to allow abortion is not just about killing babies, but taking peace and joy from the mothers for the rest of their lives.
I have been far too silent for far too long.
Sister and brother in the Lord, will you take a firm stand to “behold the tears of the oppressed” and abolish abortion?
Here is my affiliate link to Amazon if you want to take a look at the book.
Here is a link to Abolish Human Abortion.
Here is a link offering suggestions on ways to bring human trafficking to light during Super Bowl Week. Americas greatest “contributions” to the profits of human trafficking occur during the Super Bowl each year.