• What’s the Matter with Kids Today?


    A couple came to visit a church we were attending many years ago. During the service they heard an announcement that the congregation would no longer staff a large outreach to children. They would be bringing it all “in-house” and ministering only to children of the church (who, by the way, were well behaved in classes).

    The visitors told us that morning they would never attend again because a church that isn’t willing to minister to children is missing a primary call of Jesus to love the “least” of their neighbors.

    This was a decision made as many families seemed to be deciding that discipline was too harsh for kids. Unsurprisingly, many children did seem a little out of control. This led to people sometimes asking tht age-old question, “What’s the matter with kids today?”

    The answer to that long-standing question usually has something to do with the adults.

    The more I listen and read about the impact of the school closures and family trauma of the last couple of years, the more I see how hard it has been on children. It may be time to sincerely consider, “What is the matter with kids today?” And, how do we help turn it around?

    In recent reading or conversations with Moms the reports have been that children are lonely, angry, afraid of the future, having increasing academic problems and, worst of all, mental health issues. Drug use and drug overdoses are up with professionals concerned that big factors are the isolation of many from their sources of treatment and support.[i]

    Critical race theory and the transgender movement have confused and upset kids. Imagine being raised in a traditional (perhaps Christian) family and being asked on your first day of school what your preferred pronouns are. When the child gives a confused look they get the details of “all the gender” possibilities.

    Many schools have kept the children in virtual school out of fear, a fear which most kids have no idea how to interpret. Is there actually a threat to themselves or their families? The masks almost seem like muzzles for children leaving them with questions about their words or the value of what they have to say.

    For the Christian Mom or the Christian family or congregation, my greatest concern is always: What does God want us to do? The value that He places on children is far greater than any we have seen evidence of from the state or the state schools. Many of the individual government school teachers have done their absolute best to keep the children engaged in their education and have been  innovative and downright incredible in what they have invested in trying to keep things moving.

    But, from the “system,” from the teachers’ unions, and from the school boards, we have seen very little that cries “kids first!”

    God’s word says that children are a blessing. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14.

    The Kingdom of Heaven, the one that is here, now, on earth, needs us to rise children ready to stand firm in their faith for the Lord. We are to be teaching them God’s Word, His law, and His mercy and grace as well as His requirements for justice to be done.

    What’s wrong with kids today is that they are not seeing bold and courageous adults stand up to a system that is actively working against their best interests. It is time for Christian parents to take seriously the teaching of Deuteronomy 6:6-7:  “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”




    [i] https://www.livescience.com/drug-overdose-deaths-high-during-pandemic.html