And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
She is not weary from doing good, she is weary from arguing with other Christians about the “good” she does.
She and her husband are abolitionists. They firmly believe that abortion should not be regulated. It should be abolished. What is murder after twenty weeks gestation, is murder before twenty weeks.
My friends boldly go to clinics and hold large signs that reveal the truth about what abortion does to a fetus. They call to any woman going into the abortion mill and plead with her not to kill her baby but to allow others to help her with whatever problem has brought her there.
Sometimes they talk to the people they call “deathscorts.” They are the people hired by the abortion “clinic” to protect the women from people like my friend who might try to convince them there is another way to handle an unwanted pregnancy. Other times they witness to the police officers who come to keep peace while they are there.
Always the gospel of Jesus Christ is part of their words and work.
Many people, including other Christians think she and her husband are wrong to hold up the graphic signs, to call to a woman and suggest she is going to “kill her baby.” Some don’t like that they and other abolitionists are very vocal about how silent the church remains — pointing out that we have a huge problem.
As my friends have gained more understanding of the “abortion industry” and the greed and prejudice that lie behind it, they have become more committed to the cause. This has caused a lot of arguments with extended family members and others. She seems weary of the fight.
She understands that she can rely on the Lord to be her Protector and her Help.
She is aware that she must expect that people will oppose her.
When we do God’s work we can expect opposition. The evil one does not want Christianity to have a real influence in our world, upon our culture. Fighting him and the spheres he has influenced can be daunting, downright exhausting. Abortion is clearly his “industry.”
The battle she fights is not over. Even with the recent videos revealing what Planned Parenthood is doing to and with the bodies of the aborted babies, there has not been significant change in what happens in “clinics” on abortion days.
My friend needs a rest. Sadly, her weariness is more from battling other believers than it is from the battle for innocent lives to be saved. Her retreat needs to be into a place where she is protected from all hostility about what she is doing. She needs a time with the Lord, time of peace, and a time for refreshment.
She needs rest, shed needs a retreat, but, she cannot surrender. The war still rages.
I pray my friend gets her rest. Then, I pray that others of us will join the fight.
What can you and I do to join the fight? How can we support those who are already in the war?