But he who sows righteousness will have a sure reward. Proverbs 18:11b (NKJV)
Life has its ups and downs. When we’re “up” and things are going our way, we tend to forget about needing hope in more difficult times. When we’re “down” and life is trying, then we can get so lost in our own thoughts that we forget the hope the Lord offers.
The Bible speaks of rewards we will receive here and now (Psalm 127:3; Proverbs 22:4; Ecclesiastes 2:10, Matthew 6:2, 1 Corinthians 9:18; Luke 23:41) as well as the rewards we will receive in heaven. The most encouraging to look at are the “crowns” that the Bible includes as “rewards” for righteous obedience.
These rewards are based on what we do here. Douglass Rumford who wrote, “What About Heaven and Hell?,” compares our rewards at the second judgment to the hugs that participants in the Special Olympics receive. He says that we will receive rewards for faithful participation in our work for and service to the Lord, not winning the race.
There are five “crowns” that the Lord promises those who are faithful. These are five rewards to which we can look forward according to the promises of God:
The first crown is the “crown of life” that James mentions in James 1:12. By his description this is a crown earned by staying faithful as we pass through the tests and trials of this life.
The second is the “crown of righteousness” Paul talks about near the end of his life in 2 Timothy 4:6-8. This crown is apparently for finishing well, for maintaining our faith and integrity over the long haul of life.
The third crown is the imperishable crown. Paul mentions this one in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Any reward we might gain on earth is perishable, either in the way it is given or received or the way it lasts. At the time this was written the Olympians received a wreath made of leaves that would eventually become brittle and fall apart. No reward we receive in heaven will become corrupted in any way.
The fourth crown is the crown of rejoicing. (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20) This is the crown of the evangelist. Paul told the Thessalonians that his greatest joy was those who had come to know Jesus Christ. You and I need to think about who will say they were introduced to Christ by our witness.
The fifth crown is the crown of glory. 1 Peter 5:2-4 speaks of this crown as the crown God gives for faithful service. Rumford says in his book that with this crown God is, in effect, saying, “I will recognize your invisible hours. I will recognize the secret burdens that you carry because you are active in My service. I will repay you for all you paid, your service to all through a crown of glory.”
These are all crowns that we will use in heaven to give back to God, recognizing His enabling in all we have ever done for Him (Revelation 4:10-11). These rewards are the icing on the cake of salvation.
When life here gets difficult, look at these verses to remember that God is always watching, ready to reward faithfulness.