And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
I remember sitting in her kitchen when her husband called. They were Christians. I was not. I could only hear her end of the conversation.
- Her: Oh, you got it! It’s about time.
- I can’t hear him.
- Her: How can you be surprised? I’m not surprised, we’ve been praying about this for weeks!
He was amazed. She was expecting it.
How many times have we said it? “The most amazing thing happened!”
- A big health problem discovered because of minor complaint.
- The compassionate response of someone we did not expect to care.
- Money to pay a bill we thought would never get paid.
- An eligible bachelor just when we had given up hope.
- A child who shows signs of maturity…finally!
- An addict who voluntarily gets help.
I am sure you have your own examples.
Like my friend, these are often things we have been praying about. Though we cannot presume that God will answer every prayer just as we expect Him to, neither should we be surprised (when we pray in His will) when He does.
When things go the opposite way, our response is sometimes just faithless. I have wondered what my faithful friend would have done if her husband had not gotten that promotion. I have been around her enough that I think it might have gone something like this:
- Her: Well, I know you thought it would be good but, obviously, the Lord has another plan. His way is always the better way.
- His response: (I don’t know)
- Her: Let’s just trust Him and see what He shows us next.
Faith is a marvelous gift in that it gives us freedom and grounds our thinking. When things don’t go “our way,” we know that God is at work and there is something else out there that, in His perfect timing, He will reveal. This faith reminds us that God is always Good and that He will always work things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
When the unexpected thing happens to us, when God does not answer our prayers as we think He should or there is a bad situation becoming obvious, what is our response? We have two choices:
- We respond knowing God’s faithfulness and goodness to us.
- We respond in anger, or a feeling of rejection, because He did not give us what we want.
If we look at our own lives, are we living in obedience to God, praying in the will of God, and trusting in the goodness of God?
If so, we can know that the unexpected outcome is a gift – for our good and His glory.
If not, then the unexpected response of God is a call to action to turn back to Him and trust in Him to strengthen us as we do.
Every response God gives us, expected or unexpected, is for His glory and our good. You can expect it.