• All We Need


    I remember learning “The Lord gives you what you need when you need it.” It is a fun experience when He does that and we realize that it is an answer to prayer. In these days one of my frequent prayers is that I will keep my focus and my confidence in Him and not in any man.

    As the next chapter in the book we have been discussing in our Sunday School class, comes the title, “Jesus as the Witness.” (From “The Institutes of Biblical Law,” by R.J. Rushdoony).

    As I have been watching what is happening in our nation from what feels like a completely helpless vantage point, I ask lots of questions.

    • “How can ‘they’ so deliberately take down the nation?”
    • “What is the point of ruining people economically?”
    • “Why don’t the Christians see that we have allowed our land to be polluted with the blood of millions of innocent babies (Numbers 35:33) with no end in sight – as the Church sits silently by and says nothing (or very little)?”
    • “Why do we remain silent as God and His word are thrown out of schools, many mainline denominations, and even our neighborly conversations due to the fear of man?”

    The Biblical root of these questions is that we are told without any doubt that:

    How can so many people, especially the Christians, just cave and follow such ungodly governmental orders without question?

    Though there has been no logical answer to any of my questions, there is great comfort in being reminded that Jesus is the “faithful witness.” The rest of this verse (Revelation 1:5) helps to fill in my “need to know” on these questions: and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood

    Jesus Christ rules over all the kings of the earth! There is no earthly kingdom that will not answer to Him. There is one kingdom and one KING over all. And, He is the faithful witness who sees all that is said and done now, both for Him and against Him.

    He does not just hear these things; He is the executor of justice (Psalm 110:5; Jeremiah 23:5). He will hold every person from the “least of these” to the kings of the nations accountable for their sin (which we are seeing and of which we are experiencing the consequences).

    This reminder is for every Christian who has seen what is happening here and abroad that gives us reason to fear the wisdom of man. Our God is the God who sees (Genesis 16:13) and He will protect His people, though this may not be as painless as we would hope.

    This will require faithfulness and trust. It will require that we stay in His Word and get reminded of these truths. Do not forsake the gathering of believers so we can receive teaching, build one another up, love one another, serve one another, and admonish one another in the faith.

    The “Faithful Witness” does not just see the sin of others; He sees our sin, too. He is gracious to forgive the repentant but also gracious to give us the words, the courage, and the faith we need to stand firmly for His Word.

    Will we also be the “faithful and true” witness for our Faithful and True God to whomever He brings our way? He will give us all we need to do it.