• Major Misconception

    Wdding DayAnyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8


    There seems to be a misconception in our nation.

    As bakers express a conviction not to bake cakes celebrating gay marriage and florists, who serve anyone who comes into their shops day to day, but draw the line at supporting something they believe God hates, speak their minds, people draw conclusions. Then, the Supreme Court handed down a completely unbiblical stance on marriage that many Christians protested.


    The public reads these things and says, “Christians hate homosexuals.”

    I cannot speak for all Christians but I can tell you that I, for one, do not hate gay people.

    I love God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and I love His Law.


    My allegiance is to Him first. My loyalty needs to be to His Word. He said that if we love Him we will obey His commands. His first command is to love Him above all else. Love is an action – not a statement.

    I cannot say that I love God and support homosexual marriage. The State has instituted laws that require a license to get married.  This little intrusion by the State expects us to believe that marriage was originally a State idea. The truth is that marriage between a man and a woman was God’s idea. It is His plan for the healthy raising of children and the Christian’s ability to take dominion over His creation.

    God established marriage in Genesis 2:24. God said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. “ This is God’s plan for marriage. Jesus repeated this verse in Mark 10:7-8 and just in case we hadn’t gotten it Paul repeated it again in Ephesians 5:31.

    Anyone who supports same sex marriage is guilty of  not putting God first (the first of the 10 commandments). She is putting man and the fear of man first. But, the facts are that any professing  Christian who can stand by and watch others sin, down to the simple things we accept like lying and gossip or slander, is not loving her neighbor. I am guilty of standing back and watching sin happen, in my family, in my neighborhood (I live less than a mile from a Planned Parenthood), and in the nation.

    Love what He loves and hate what He hates

    When we fear God, we will love what He loves and hate what He hates.

    Do we hate what He hates? He hates that which hurts us. He hates what will harm us. He hates those who do evil against His own people.

    The Major Misconception

    As I write, I realize that the major misconception is not about Christians. It is about God. It is in love that He hates anything or anyone that stands against His desire to protect and care for us. (Psalm 5:5)

    As Christians, we need to examine our own hearts for our own major misconceptions.

    Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!  Psalm 139:23-24