• Liar, Deceiver, Tempter


    Liar. Deceiver. Accuser. Devourer. Tempter. (See Genesis 3:1-5; Job 1:11; 1 Peter 5:8; Matthew 4:1). Satan is a fearsome creature.

    In a conversation someone expressed her belief that nothing bad can change for the better because we are living under “the ruler of this world.”

    Scripturally, Satan was called “the ruler of this world” but not as in “He is” the ruler of this world. In John 12:31 Jesus is talking about His death and in that conversation says, “Now is the judgment of this world, now the ruler of this world will be cast out.”

    Christ’s death was the breaking down of any kingdom Satan ever ruled. His death was the fulfillment of putting enmity between the woman’s seed and Satan (Genesis 3:15).

    In John 14:30 Jesus again addresses “the ruler of this world” saying that as He faces what is coming regarding His death, Satan will be coming at him to tempt Him into sin. There is nothing in Christ that would succumb to his temptations. Jesus says to His disciples, “I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me” (John 14:30). Verse 31 solidifies this comment by saying this will be true so the world will know that “I love the Father, and as He gave Me commandment, so I do.”

    In John 16, Jesus is talking about His leaving and the coming of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7). He says the Holy Spirit (the Helper) “will convict the world of sin and of righteousness, and of judgment.” In verse 11 He says that the judgment includes the judgment of “the ruler of this world.”

    The scriptural references to Satan as “ruler of this world” are all speaking of his imminent demise at the cross.  We err when we adopt that belief as being current.

    Jesus was not afraid of the temptations of Satan. He did as His Father commanded Him and did not have to fear “the ruler of this world.” Based on these verses, it seems that the death of Christ overcame any power Satan had to “rule” the people of the world. He is bound now (Revelation 20:2), limited in what he can do by chains in the bottomless pit.

    If Christians believe that Satan is ruling now, so that nothing can be bettered in our culture, we will lose the battle against Christianity that is going on all around us. We have a responsibility before God to speak the truth of His Word and make every effort to change the ungodly practices, including the hatred of God and His people.

    In 1 John 4:4 John says, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” This is still true. We should never be afraid to stand firmly for the Word and ways of God to anyone. If we do not try to change the existing culture, we are attributing more power to the world and the influence of the evil one than we are to God. He has limited the power of Satan by a chain in a place where God rules.

    With Peter, I beg you, let’s have a hope we can defend (1 Peter 3:15-16) rather than a defeatist attitude that says, “Why try?”

    We can change things in our culture. It’s been done in the past and it will again be done in the future by God’s power through those who actively work to grow His Kingdom. We must boldly stand against the evil of this world. That lying, deceiving, accusing, devouring, tempter has no more power in our lives than we allow Him by not knowing the Word of God or obeying the commands of God.

    We see a lot of lying, deceiving, accusing, devouring, and tempting going on in the world right now. Satan is a fearsome creature but not as fearsome as God is a Powerful Creator!