• Fearing Death


    “I am not afraid to die, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” These are words my husband used to say as he was battling cancer. The process of death is far more concerning to most of us than the fact that we will leave this life. As Christians, we can be sure that we have a bright hope of life after this one.

    But this week I was repeatedly reminded that my life here is not something I should be so protective of that I fail to serve and love others (Revelation 12:11).

    Intellectually, Christians know this truth. What awaits us after a faithful life is far better than anything the world has to offer us. However, because we (the Church) have drifted away from the truth that the Lord blesses obedience to Him, we have become complacent regarding that obedience and far more likely to be obedient to the state.

    Today, in a discussion with some people who are, like me, not going to get the “vaccine,” the leader challenged us to think about our “confession of Christ” as we respond to questions about not doing so.

    In my own thinking I have prepared for that discussion by doing a lot of reading/research to understand the three “vaccines” being offered so that I could “scientifically” discuss the reasons to avoid it. It never occurred to me that in order to honor Christ, I should start with my basic religious beliefs.

    • Understanding that I am as susceptible to the virus as anyone, I firmly believe that the Lord has numbered my days and He will not take me home one day before that (Psalm 139:16). A virus is not the worst thing that could happen to me and I would have something like a 99.7% chance of surviving it – if that is God’s will.
    • Evil people have passed laws that have permitted the killing of babies in the womb whose body parts have been sold to pharmaceutical companies and used, if not in the making of the “vaccines,” then in the testing. According to the scriptures my job is to expose evil, not to cooperate with it (Ephesians 5:11).
    • These drugs have been formulated by evil people for monetary gain, not for the good of those taking it. They have sought and gained complete exemption from any financial consequences and they do not consider themselves morally responsible for any injuries. The Bible is clear that every person is fully responsible for his/her own sin (2 Kings 14:6, Ezekiel 18:20) and if harm is done to someone then restitution is to be paid (or death if our actions cause death). The righteous way of doing “business” is not being applied to these companies.

    I am sure other Christians have different objections.

    What was so eye opening on this topic was the sermon I heard on Sunday using Revelation 12:11, And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

    According to this verse it took three things to conquer the great dragon (Satan):

    1. The blood of the Lamb (leading to our salvation in Christ, the Lamb of God. 1 Peter 1: 17-19).
    2. The Word of their testimony (literally their words confessing the authority of Christ over the “accuser.” Revelation 12:10).
    3. “For they loved not their lives even unto death (being willing to do what needed to be done to defeat the “deceiver of the whole world,” not allowing the fear of death to stop them.  (Revelation 12:9).

    Do we find this kind of faith in the church today? Are we willing to give up some of the false teaching and outright lies of what is happening in our midst to try to expose the deceivers and their lies?

    Often we see the truth of the Word of God but we are more fearful of man than of God. Do you and I love not our lives even unto death? Or, do we fear death more than we fear God?