• Listen to HIM

    And if in spite of this you will not listen to me, then I will discipline you again sevenfold for your sins. Leviticus 26:18


    She said it right to me, “If it’s a good idea, it’s probably not from you.”

    It was a little insulting. I had said I had an idea on which I did not intend to act.

    She explained that what she meant was that because I am a born-again Christian, the Holy Spirit lives in me and will direct my steps. If there was a good idea in me, it was from Him and I should make a plan to love God by obeying Him.

    Because I remember these words so clearly, I know I was sure my friend was right at the time. The Holy Spirit nudges us to do things. If we ignore Him, we are ignoring God. When Pharaoh didn’t listen to God and do what He said by letting His people go, God called it pride. (Exodus 10:3)

    Imagine how many times since we became Christians, we thought we should do something; expose evil, speak up about something that looked bad, tell the truth, witness to a friend or family member, love your neighbor (including your husband and children who live in your own house) but we decided not to do it for whatever reason seemed good to us at the time.

    The Holy Spirit gives us those “good ideas” (John 14:26, Acts 1:8) and we say, “No, that will take too much time.” “Not now because (fill in the blank) is here and he’ll be angry if I talk about it.” “They’ll think I am crazy.” They’ll think I am nosey.”

    Fear stops us from obeying God. Father. Son. Holy Spirit.

    It is plausible to me that God is asking us (me, too) “how long we will refuse to humble ourselves before Him.” When we reject the plans He gives us, we are rejecting His wisdom and guidance, implying that we know better than He does.

    When we “disagree” with scripture, we do the same thing. We exalt ourselves to the gods of righteousness when Christ told us that the Holy Spirit is Who will “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8).”

    I have never heard God audibly speak to me (He is God and He will if He chooses to, that just isn’t my experience with Him). Even so, He has clearly directed my steps at times using His Word, other believers, and even pain and discomfort that encouraged me to move away from a person or situation.

    I heard a Bible teacher once say that if Christians insist on defying God’s direction for them, “He may cut you off at the knees to get you on them”

    God speaks to us in many ways. Through His Word by sermons, His people, and books are most common. But, as I have said, HE is God. He can communicate with us any way He chooses.

    The question is, will we worship Him in our obedience or wait until He cuts us off at the knees to get on them?

    Which seems like a good idea to you?


    Intentional Influence: A Woman’s Guide to biblical Mentoring

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