Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4
Some things we gotta do because we gotta do them…like stay out of large gatherings so we do not get infected or infect another with COVID 19. Other things we get some say in.
Unfortunately, we are prone to look at ourselves and not toward others. My husband calls it “naval gazing.” This means we spend the majority of time looking at our own interests and not the interests of others (See Philippians 2:4).
I woke up this morning with dread. Dread of illness, dread of financial difficulty and dread of social quarantining. Prayer was my only line of defense.
If you have read my blog for long you know that one of my main points is that we have work to do for the Kingdom of God. He says that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). He said we, that is Christians, are to take dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, over the cattle and over all the earth (Genesis 1:26).
Observation tells me these things are not done!
So, what can we do while quarantined at home that will advance the Kingdom of God? Plenty.
We can start at home if anyone else lives there! Husbands and children need encouragement that God is in control. He has not forgotten one of them and we have plenty to be grateful for every day. Helping children to see the blessings that are coming with “the plague” are worthy of note so God receives the glory of which He is worthy.
Then, what about the widows and orphans or Christians that you usually speak to or encourage on Sunday at church? Is there a way you could encourage or help someone else without entering their “safe space” if they are vulnerable to getting the virus?
- Phone calls
- A snail mail note (remember them?)
- A Facebook message
- Facetime, Zoom, or Skype” visit?
- A care package you could mail or drop off?
Then, how about those people who are your physical neighbors? If they are like ours, they are outside to walk, take out the trash or work in the garden.
Maintaining the six foot rule, could you make some face to face contact with encouraging words that point them to your hope in the Lord or just a good ole’ fashioned, “How are you doing?”
Do they need something practical – get their groceries, pick up prescriptions, or run an errand we don’t normally think to offer to do?
If they are out working in a hospital or grocery store, maybe we could make a meal because they are working hard and a night off might be greatly appreciated.
Let’s face it, everyone could use some prayer these days. Pray with any of them who will let you!
All of these things may seem small but they are important work for the Kingdom of God, offering us opportunities to love, serve, and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Lord and our neighbors. It doesn’t get much more biblical than that.
Let’s put the dread away and do what we can where God has us today.