• Oh Say Can You See


    One of the strangest things happening in the nation right now is the “Disinformation Governance Board” being formed within the Department of Homeland Security. Admittedly, it sounds like the Disinformation “Police” to me.

    What happened to the day when adults were expected to be their own guides with regard to the way they think and respond to the issues of the day? It used to be that children were taught to read or learn both sides of an argument and then, based on their understanding, make a decision.

    There was a book written by a man named Vishal Mangalwadi from India a few years ago that shed some light on what is happening. He started off researching to understand why the West was so well off, both financially and with intellect and advancements in many areas of life. He wrote, “The Book That Changed Everything: The Bible’s Amazing Impact on our World.”

    The book is asking America and Europe to step back and take a look at why we were so prosperous and how taking the Bible’s teaching and the Lord Himself out of our culture has sent us into a downward spiral. We can look around and see that we are no longer the nation that is prospering and blessed of the Lord.

    Thinking about this book reminded me of three areas that have been greatly affected by this removal of God’s law.

    The first is that we not only took Bible reading out of the public schools but we took the joy of learning and teaching out.

    When my sister retired after teaching kindergarten for thirty years, her peers came to celebrate. Sadly, the retirement party was also a “lament.” Her friends were lamenting about the years that they found great satisfaction and joy in “seeing the light go on” for children as they exercised their own thinking skills. Now, they complained, goals were set for them so that they were more and more just teaching so the standardized tests that would justify a district’s money from the state.

    “Loving the Lord with our whole mind” is a biblical principle that the United States has let go of in the public school system. School districts (though not necessarily the teachers) do not want children to think for themselves or to use their brains except to accept whatever is taught without question. God wants us to use the minds He has given us.

    The second area is life itself. Though abortion is the example screaming the loudest, so may other things have happened to show that, at the highest levels of “security” in our nation the common human life is meaningless. Though, as Covid started happening around the globe, all we heard was that we should quarantine and stay distanced to preserve life, we sent people sick with it into the most vulnerable of the population…nursing homes.

    At the same time we watched as BLM robbed, looted, set (mostly peaceful) fires, and killed people in the name of “justice.” To this day they have not been prosecuted for their crimes against their fellow man.

    Can we “see” that this is wrong before God? Biblical principles provide justice for the true victims without increasing the harm done.

    The third area to consider when looking at the demise of our nation is the family, God’s building blocks of a society. We have seen, largely by local and central government responses to the parents of public school children that the elected officials have come to believe that they and school teachers are the only ones who should teach morals and values for a child to live by. This completely denies the rights of parents to raise their own children. This is a major responsibility given to parents by the Lord (Deuteronomy6:6-8).

    By usurping the role and responsibilities of parents the “state” is indoctrinating children to depend on them in ways that will dig us deeper into the judgment of God. We have convinced mothers that it is better to put their kids in daycare and go earn money in order to live in the best neighborhoods and buy the best bikes and cars that are made, while entrusting teachers with the souls of their children.

    Dads seem to be getting the same message. The family as a “unit” is a thing of the past in the US. That past was economically thriving, was safe for kids to go out and play, and was a place where speaking freely meant it was okay to disagree with your neighbor and still be able to enjoy a friendship.

    As the “leak” foreshadowing that Roe Vs Wade is being overturned, the vitriol that has come pouring out from the “pro-choice” crowd is almost shocking for someone who remembers the time when babies were known as a gift from the Lord and a biblical understanding was common ground.

    Though the Word of God is being despised it is His Word and it stands forever.  If we start arguing about when a baby is viable or how important standardized testing is, or thinking about the family based on the horrible situation where a child is abused, we lose the battle.

    The “Disinformation Governance Board” needs to hear that the only standard they need to determine “disinformation” is whether or not whatever is said lines up with the Word of God. We need only “Bereans” on that board (Acts 17:10-11).

    If we proclaim the Word of God and teach the principles God has given us, we stand to once again see that it is, “The Book that Will Change Everything!” Can your eyes “see” that this is true?