And you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. John 8:32
Which ones are the lies?
Today I read that there is a definite threat of an increased number of COVID 19 cases[i] and it implied that we should hunker down again so we can reduce the spread.
Then, on Facebook, I read an article[ii] that talks about how the hospitals are inflating the numbers because they receive funding for the cases that are in the hospital. I see their need since the hospitals have lost huge numbers of patients for fear of the virus spreading in their institutions and therefore, revenue is down to levels so low they are finding it difficult to function. But, falsifying the numbers for their own gain puts the rest of us at risk of losing more economically. That seems unjust.
The Bible assures us that the truth will set us free. I do not claim to understand the political motivations nor the scientific disagreements surrounding this virus or the lies. All I know is that someone has the truth and is not proclaiming it. Or, they are but so many people claim to have it that there is no way of knowing who is telling it.
Our times are reminding me of the book of Judges. There is no faithful leader that we collectively trust. There is no understanding (and not enough solid doctrinal preaching) for Christians of exactly how we are to follow the LORD while the civil government hates Him. The “truth” is claimed by the state and other groups (Antifa and BLM). AND, because there is so much division within the nation, “every man does what is right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6).
But, the Lord has left us a whole Book on how to do what is right. I keep reminding myself – when I am feeling a little panicked about things – that God is still reigns in this world as He is the God of heaven. He is the God who continued to rescue His people while they were in their sin. He also allowed them to suffer in His judgment for a time.
As we pray for “Thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven,” we are acknowledging His reign over us. Can you even imagine how His will is done in heaven? It is done perfectly. Do we mean it when we ask that? It means we worship Him as He asks us to, gathering together. It means we trust His ways and not man’s ways. It means stand against the evils of this world. I am certain there are no abortions or murders of any type in heaven.
I read a comment that a friend had made on a post on Facebook. It was about the hospital situation and padding numbers. Her response to it was:
“Don’t believe all the hype! Live freely! And trust God – NOT government!”
Live freely!? What a concept! But it cannot be done without Christ and the scriptures and wisdom and discernment to live according to them. And, if we want it to be on earth as it is in heaven we must boldly proceed to speak the truth in love to whomever is not aware that they are in sin – that may be our Christian friends, it may be the Governor, or it may be our own families. This is a time to let the people who are already in our spheres of influence know what the One Who is the only Influence that matters has to say about our current situation.
Most of us are not in positions where we will have access to the whole truth all the time. We are to live freely in the knowledge of God and trust Him with our future.