There are many things happening that stoke the fear of many Americans, including me. From the government’s ceaseless call to get the shot or we all die, to the killing of more pre-born babies, to the undiscerning spending of tax payer dollars; times are fearful!
The fact that God has so frequently told us to “fear not” tells me that He knows that we will have fear.
The greatest fears right now are for my grandchildren and the future generations of our nation. Will they be able to work, eat well, or live freely as adults if we do not resist what is happening to us all now? I am afraid that there will be wicked, powerful, people in control and there will be no way to stop what is happening.
What about faith? God is in control. Will the practice of the Christian faith change anything?
Six (soon to be seven) little sets of eyes and ears live in our home with us and see the fear and hear the words that are expressed every day by their parents and grandparents. They respond to the way the adults around them are responding to the world. They know when parents are unhappy about the current political scene and the way the corona virus is affecting more than the health of our nation. They hear concerns about the economy and the murder of babies at abortion mills.
How should we be talking about things to prepare the next generation? Will we discuss godly responses? Will we point them to the King of Kings? They listen to every word within earshot.
It takes a conscious effort to point others to God’s sovereignty, mercy, and grace when things are looking difficult. In Psalm 56:4 David was running from the Philistines in Gath (where Goliath came from, 1 Samuel 17:4). He said, “In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.”
David’s willingness to praise God was one of the reasons that he was able to trust God as he faced such a terrible set of circumstances. Hard times did not make him resent God or get angry with Him. Hard times caused David to remember that God was where his help would come from! He praised God for it.
Over and over again God tells us to “Remember.” When we remember what He has done for us in the past, we are better able to trust Him with our futures and young ears will hear the praise of God, not the fear of man or illness….regardless of the politics of the moment.
God is great. He is always good. He works things out for the good of His people. He is generous, gracious, merciful, forgiving (when we repent), protective and the bearer of so many more attributes that we do not have space to put them all on paper. (John 21:25)
Will you trust His goodness and speak of it openly to share your faith? Is there a neighbor for you to love through this time in some practical way?
We need to resist the tyranny while taking reasonable precautions to fight illness. We must love our neighbors (not by taking a shot but by pointing them to the Only source of all hope for now and forever – the Lord Jesus Christ Himself), learn what we can, and work against the evil of our day, all while trusting our Savior to see us through.