Have you ever crested a hill and seen a view that took your breath away? Have you watched as a baby was born (animal or human) and marveled at the miracle? As people come to saving faith in Christ and you witness the change in their behaviors or character, does it strike you that God is clearly at work? Even in the conviction of sin, that feeling that God is telling you personally about something that needs to go from your life, do you acknowledge God in it?
Why do people, even Christians, not want to deal with the truth that God reveals Himself in all of His creation (Romans 1:20) in our world? He reveals Himself and many people suppress that truth.
Romans 1:22-32 list the sins that come from a foolish heart that claims to be wise; from serving idols to homosexual sin and even covetousness, gossiping and malice. We see those facing God’s wrath every day in our culture. But, verses 18 and 19 tell us why:
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.(Romans 1:18-19)
So those who do not believe that God exists, or that He exists but don’t have a saving knowledge of Him, are suppressing the truth that God has made plain. But, do believers also suppress His truths?
Perhaps one of the most harmful truths that has been suppressed is that the wrath of God is not something to take lightly. It is a passionate anger and it is directed at those who refuse to deal with the truth about Him and His law (Romans 1:18).
In his commentary on Romans, R.C. Sproul points out that this suppression is linked to our sin nature but it can be supported by what people are taught. Many have been taught that God is strictly a God of love and that He loves them unconditionally, no matter what they do.
The sin nature, the need for repentance, and the truth of God’s justice in the execution of His wrath, are all skipped over so that it is easier for the one in the pew to suppress the truth about what they can see manifested in the world.
As Christians we have a responsibility to know what the Word of God says and, as the book of James instructs, to be doers of it (James 1:22). Suppressing the truth is not an option for us but many Christians do it.
One example is how we are screaming right now about how Hamas and Israel are violently killing children. Yet, we remain silent (suppress the truth) that we, as a nation, have been doing the same thing for many years with a cost of over 63,000,000 lives of aborted children.
Why aren’t we screaming about them? To call abortion “reproductive rights” is to deny His justice on the murder of the preborn.
Another example is in the way we talk to people about Christ. Many of us suppress the truth that a person has to see and repent of their sin in order to be considered a child of God. Christ’s work on the cross saves us from our sin (Matthew 1:21). If we have no concept that we are sinners, what is He saving us from?
The point is that many of us suppress some truth and it is a sin that raises the wrath of God. He calls it ungodly and unrighteous and assures us that He has plainly revealed Himself since the creation of the world.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they (and we) are without excuse, Romans 1:20
Is God’s revelation of Himself in this world something you have seen? From revealing Himself in all of creation and then in the scriptures, there is no truth about Him that we can suppress and not expect that God will correct our thinking. To deny His justice on sin, our need for His Word or His love for His people is suppressing truth. He is truly the God of mercy, grace and forgiveness, why suppress any truth about such a Great God and Shepherd of His flock?