• An Opinion on Opinions


    A fool takes not pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Proverbs 18:2


    Sometimes people proclaim God’s principles even when they do not know or use His Word. We recently saw this sign in a front yard:

    The world is changed by your example not your opinion.

    This family must use social media! :>)

    From the everyday Facebook and Twitter interactions, we are reminded of all the things we are not doing.  You do not need a rundown of the list if you have Christian friends speaking their minds (kind of like I am doing here!) on your own feeds.

    “Love your neighbor” is a command of God that can be taken to mean many things because it does mean many things. Different people in our spheres of influence have different needs. God has gifted us differently to meet those needs.  Meeting their needs is loving them.

    In clearly stated Facebook and Twitter posts I hear people saying that if we are not serving our neighbors as they do, then we are not serving God. Sometimes these are directed at someone in particular and sometimes they are general.

    How much more effective would our Christianity be if we lived it out in front of those God has placed in our midst and stop trying to change the world with what we post on social media? One sets an example and the other proclaims our opinions.

    In his letter to the Philippians Paul speaks to the “Brothers” of the work he has done for the Lord. He asks them to, “Join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.”

    Earlier (Philippians 3:12-16) Paul said he knows he has not gotten where he is on his own but speaks of being mature in the faith. He suggests that if these brothers think differently, then God will reveal to them how to think.

    “Join in imitating me.” It sounds kind of arrogant. But Paul is saying that he has worked hard to grow his faith and he knows that the Lord has revealed these things to him. He wants them to imitate, not just the work, but the way to be mature in the faith.

    Are we mature in the faith, willing to imitate Paul by listening to the Word of the Lord and doing what it says? Are we, like so many, more interested in being seen and heard on social media – or in serving the Lord in the place He has established us?

    Even in Christianity, we are going to do more witnessing by our examples than we will by our opinions. May 2019 be a year of more obedient actions than opinionated words.