May integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for you. Psalm 25:1
“Stop waiting for the miracle and get to work!”
I had not heard that preached before. Our Pastor went on to talk about how many miracles we see every day that we don’t count as miracles because we see them so regularly. The development of a baby in the womb, the sun coming up every day to bring light and plant growth, the wonders of modern medicine curing illness and diseases that were a death sentence in times past. Many miracles every day.
Specific Not Common
Most of us want miracles. We are not so interested in the common grace of God, we are looking for specific grace. Sometimes He gives it to us. What I heard my Pastor say is that we cannot presume on God to do things the way we want them done. We do the next thing and thank God regardless of the circumstances.
My sister passed away from pancreatic cancer three years ago. During that illness, I cannot tell you how many people told me they were, “believing God for the miracle.” One woman went so far as to pray over my sister that she was “not O.K. with this, Lord.”
My sister understood from God that she was to “thank Him and praise Him” through the illness. One miracle I saw was that she was able to this for 18 months, until her death.
Not My Will…
In the garden before His crucifixion, Jesus prayed, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done” (Luke 22:42). He moved forward to what He had been prepared for, and was crucified. I am sure that if God had stepped in and brought a plan B into play that Jesus would have gratefully complied. There was no plan B for Him or for my sister.
God gave my sister the relief of death, and eternal life with Him, ending a long, painful illness. The relief was hers, not mine and not for her friends or family.
I remember many of God’s miracles during her illness. Her attitude of gratitude was amazing. She was constantly telling stories of how God had sustained her through some difficult moment. These ranged from seeing her grandchildren, just when she felt discouraged, to a friend who said God woke her up at 1 AM and told her to go the hospital. My sister was having a painful and frightening night. The presence of her best friend brought peace and reassurance that the Lord was watching over her. (I think that is a pretty amazing miracle.)
God sent a messenger to her early on. This seemed miraculous to me at the time. You can read about him here:
Miracle or Not
Jesus never spoke highly of those He thought were just hanging around waiting for the miracle. He accused them of seeing the miracles and still not believing in Him. (John 10:25, 32, 37-38)
Isn’t it true that this is how we still respond? Many things are done for us and around us that are miraculous, but we want the miracle that pleases us, not that God wants to give us.
Is there a miracle you are hoping for that God does not seem to be working for you? Will you just get in there and do the next work He has for you?
If the miracle does come, praise Him and thank Him! If the miracle doesn’t come, praise Him and thank Him!