When our son and daughter went looking for summer jobs while in high school (2000 – 2003ish), it was hard to find full time summer work. When we asked employers about the lack of hours they explained that their experience was that the “kids” wouldn’t work a lot of hours. They hired many and gave them fewer hours because they trusted that the majority would be unreliable.
This week I started reading a book that pointed out that God created Adam as an adult and immediately gave him the responsibility for tending and keeping His garden. In the book, “Revolt Against Maturity[i],” the author points out the significance of God’s expectation of His creation. The expectation is to be responsible to work, to fill the earth and subdue it. These continue to be God’s expectations for us today.
As I sat listening to a sermon on James 5:12, “But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your “Yes” be “Yes,” and your “No,” “No,” lest you fall into judgment,” I realized how many people do not understand God’s requirement of integrity with regard to this expectation to work.
In our children’s high school days there was no integrity in that generation to do the work they had agreed to do. The consequences were felt by those who wanted to work.
Today, even among Christians, we are failing to teach the basic life skill of work. Many in the current generation of young men seem more interested in video games than in work, marriage, and raising a family for the Lord.
As a culture we would rather be comfortable than challenged. We would like to skip the hard steps of work and go right to the big paycheck.
A man or woman of integrity is a responsible worker. He or she will take action and expect a fair return for his/her labor. They will make promises and keep them or refuse to make promises if they know the expectations are beyond their ability.
This man or woman may be 13, 33, 53, or 83. The rules don’t change. As the Church of Jesus Christ will we take a close (introspective and corporate) look at what example we are setting for children with regard to maturity, work, and even the process of sanctification? Do they see integrity in the leadership as well as the membership?
Mom and Dad, what example of a responsible, working adult do your children see at home? Do we do all we are able or as little as possible?
Proverbs 20:7 says, “The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.” (NKJV)
My children’s generation became lackadaisical in the workplace because we taught them that integrity was for adults only.
It is never too late to come to an understanding of God’s expectations for us to work and to raise the next generation to work. But, it would be better to start young, teaching children to have integrity, to be responsible for some work at home, and to love the God that created them and who has work for them to do.
Being a responsible adult is a biblical expectation. If we fail to teach children to be responsible, they may not become adults…at least not mature, responsible adults.
(Verses relating to work: Proverbs 18:9, 21:8, 22:29, 1 Thessalonians 4:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:10; 1 Timothy 5:10)
[i] Revolt Against Maturity, R.J. Rushdoony, 1977, Ross House Books