• War on Worry

    Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD I will be joyful in God my Savior.  Habakkuk 3:17,18 

    Our involvement in Libya scares me. I’m not any happier about Afghanistan or Iraq. These seem to me to be bottomless pits of issues we cannot fix, regardless of what we do or how long we stay.  It appears to me that we will lose soldiers and respect and gain nothing. 

    For the record, I don’t really know, this is just what it looks like to my “no political savvy” mind. Recently I found myself praying for peace – and praying that our President would want peace.  As I prayed I heard my own words and wondered about them. When had I decided he didn’t want peace? When he came to office I am sure he was promising to get us out of conflict and it has only increased. Why? 

    The fallout is affecting everyone. It is heartbreaking to me to listen the next generation plan for the future.  Will they have employment? How will they afford to have and support children?  Who will rule or what kind of government will they have ten or twenty years from now?  Do young adults with political aspirations have a chance of realizing their dreams? 

    My questions lead me to more questions – those that hit closer to home for me.  What will happen to our retirement money if the Federal Reserve keeps printing so that it loses all its value?  Will there still be Social Security after we retire? Should we be looking for a farm so we can grow our own food?  Move to another country where the cost of living is much lower? 

    I am nowhere near panic mode because I know that my God is sovereign and takes care of His people.  But, I’ve been hearing warnings about our economy for several years.  Lately it’s becoming more realistic to me as we know and hear of people losing their jobs or having their salaries cut substantially. More people are paying attention and talking about how the government is spending money, knowing we are the ones who will ultimately pay the bill.

    These are scary times. People will get desperate if they can’t earn a living and care for their families. Desperate people do desperate things.  It appears we are headed for desperate times.  How is the Christian to respond? 

    As I study God’s sovereignty I know that He cares far more about our character than He does about our finances.  He will provide, we can trust Him for that.  How He does it is up to Him.  As responsible adults and Christians we need to plan for the future. Proverbs says that even the ants store up food during the summer.  But, we also need to work at preparing the next generation to trust the Lord and to make wise and practical decisions now that will prepare them for what’s to come. 

    Though I find it all scary and am sure anyone paying attention does, we can pray and keep on praying. Praying for peace and peace-seeking leaders directed by the God who rules all nations would  seem to be a good place to start. He promises that just as He clothes the lilies of the fields we have no reason to worry about what we will eat or drink.  He will take care of His children.  Then we must preach the gospel and cling to our secure, unchanging, all wise, heavenly Father.  We are not to put our trust in any powers, Kings, political leaders or even a system of government. Christians are to trust in the Lord our God.  (Psalm 20:7) 

    SO, bombs may fall, fighting may continue, monies will lose their value, and friends may scatter but our God is trustworthy.  In Joshua 1:9 He has already told us how we should respond:  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”