
Termite eaten wood


Then the people of the land discouraged the people of Judah and made them afraid to build…Ezra 4:4


“No bugs.” That was my rule when we lived in our city home. It required an exterminator but we lived bug free.

Now, outside the city, as I was planting my garden last Spring, I found these little squirmy white bugs. I took one to show my husband and he said, “termites.” I thought they needed to go but I waited all summer.

I called Ag Extension to learn how to get rid of them and they said, “Call the professionals.” So, I did.

Our home was inspected. There was no evidence of termites. But, they have found their way to the edge of our house. Their next major move is likely to be the inside of our walls. These suburban termites do not respect my “No bugs allowed” rule any more than the city bugs did.

So, for a fee, the exterminator is coming to rid the perimeter of our home of the currently small, but present, termite community.

Frustrating Pests

This morning I was studying the book of Ezra. The Jewish people had returned to Jerusalem after the exile to rebuild the temple of the Lord. They were not getting the job done and they had been back for about twenty years. The people who had moved onto the land while the Jews were exiled were offering to “help” but were insincere. They had no respect for the Jews’ desire to rebuild the temple so the offer was refused.

Not giving up, these people then bribed “counselors” who then gave bad advice to create fear in the people of God from accomplishing their assignment to rebuild the temple. The Bible states that their goal was to “frustrate their purposes.”

Like our termites, these people were an undermining obstacle to the work God had for them to do. They seemed peaceful and harmless but were working to thwart God’s plan. Termites and people who want to frustrate God’s plans are creepy because they exist for a while without our knowing they are there. We co-exist without seeing the threat to our property or work. It highlights our need to be diligently looking for threats.

Refusing the Pests

The “people of the land” that threatened the work of the Lord approached the Jews disguised as “friends” who wanted to help. The Jews saw through the facade and refused to accept their help.

Even today, “The people of the land” are constantly trying to discourage and “frustrate the purposes” of God (Ezra 4:4-5). Today, it’s culturally insensitive to refuse “help” from anyone who seems sincere.

We willingly get rid of bugs that don’t respect our rules. When we know that someone is working against our faith, when they not only do not share our faith, but want to frustrate our plans for spiritual growth and service to the Lord will we tell that person, “No thanks. Go away”?