The Christian Vote

    For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

Romans 13:1b 

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual — or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.” –Samuel Adams (1781)

I have had a pretty cavalier attitude about politics.  I have never been terribly interested.  My parents were split on party lines so it was a somewhat taboo subject in our home.  They always voted and taught my siblings and me it was the responsible thing to do but I don’t remember a lot of discussions about who was running and what their characteristics were.  My Dad was a “respect the office even if you don’t respect the person” kind of guy. 


I am married to a man who does care.  He reads and reads and talks to other people.  I have always thought he casts a more educated vote than I do.  It seems I get into the voting booth and there is always a surprise for me.  A name I have never seen or a referendum I didn’t know would be on the ballot.  I feel like I have to vote on them – so I take a look and make a “best guess”.   

On Tuesday night I went to a lecture offered by the Mid-Atlantic Reformation Society called “The Evil of Two Lessers”.  It was convicting for me because it confirmed for me things I heard from this same organization before – the Bible does speak regarding who should be in elected office!  That was new for me when I heard it a couple of years ago.  This time the speaker used Exodus 18:21.  In the ESV it says, “Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.”  

When God called on Israel to choose men to lead them He said they should be men who fear God, are trustworthy, and who hate a bribe.  I am really not sure there are too many of these even running for office – though I do believe there is at least one in Pennsylvania.  What do we do with the rest of the offices?  What about a referendum that I know will have long term consequences but I have a hard time knowing if they will be helpful or difficult?  What if I just don’t know?   

This seems to be the week of making changes in my thinking about my vote.  The quote at the top of the page came in a newsletter I have subscribed to called “The Patriot Post”.  (  As I read I thought  “really Mr. Adams, I am accountable to God for my vote?  Does He really care?”   With that question came the reminder of the truth that God does the placement of leaders and kings.

Psalm 22:28 says, “For kingship belongs to the Lord,  and he rules over the nations.” 

As we talked after the lecture there were definitely two ways of thinking.  One was the “you just have to take the time and learn what’s going on” and the other was the completely removed view that God is sovereign and He will take care of it.  There must be a middle of the road for a Christian like me.  God is sovereign (I am aware that it is ultimately He who chooses the leaders of nations) and He can override every vote anyone casts but I don’t think it negates my responsibility in a “democratic” society to voice my opinion through my vote.  I will be listening and reading to see who it is that “fears God, is trustworthy, and hates a bribe.    

I have been thinking about how one would really know that and I realize that this may take time that I will not enjoy searching and reading.  The fear of God may seem hard to measure but the Bible tells us that we will know Christians by their fruit.  Are they living like they care what God thinks?  Do they serve the One true God – or is their god obviously politics, position, and worldly wealth?  With TV, internet, and radio I would guess we can listen to their campaign speeches and promises.  Words that honor God stand out these days because there are so few of them.  A candidate caught in adultery who is unrepentant is out for me, God’s word is clear about that (Exodus 20:14).  Moreover, men or women who slander their opponents are not following the admonitions of the Lord either – they are out.  Then, I will try to look for how they have voted on major issues in the past, do they vote pro-life or pro-choice?  Do they define marriage as God does?  Do they belong to a body of believers and show up to worship God?  

The bottom line is that if we want to vote in a way that we can stand confidently before God at judgment – we are going to have judge those who are running.  We are called to it.  God gave us guidelines – we have to determine if the candidates measure up – and I know that there are a few who do.  But, if there are no candidates that measure up then I think I will not vote for the lesser of two evils – as I learned Tuesday night – they are still evil!  I wouldn’t want to stand before God or my countrymen having voted for evil!   

*If you are interested in hearing lectures on this kind of topic you would be welcome to attend the monthly meetings of M.A.R.S. (The Mid-Atlantic Reformation Society) on the third Tuesday of the month.  In April there will not be a third Tuesday meeting because they are hosting “Faith for All of Life” a one day conference on April 21st in Blandon, PA.  You can see more information about both the monthly meetings and the conference at .



  1. Pat on March 24, 2012 at 6:39 pm

    I applaud you for tackling this subject. You have more courage than I!

    • admin on March 25, 2012 at 4:19 pm

      When God gives me a topic I go with it – though I know that culturally it is not acceptable to talk about politics and religion as if they belong together – but they DO belong together for the Christian.
      Thanks for the encouragement!