The Grace in Justice


Ahab was an evil King who did evil in the sight of the LORD (1 Kings 16:30). He worshipped idols and “did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all of the kings of Israel who were before him” (I Kings 16:33).

King Ahab took what he wanted and used whatever means necessary to have his way.

At one point he wanted the vineyard of Naboth, the land of Naboth’s family that was an inheritance from God. Naboth was not willing to sell it, even to the king. His response to King Ahab was, “The LORD forbid that I should give the inheritance of my fathers to you!” (1 Kings 21:3)

The rest of the account is in 1 Kings 21. The King was “displeased,”  “sullen” and “vexed” and wouldn’t even eat because of Nabal’s refusal to sell his vineyard.

What a faithless, spoiled rotten brat!

With some conniving and deceit, Queen Jezebel had fraudulent charges brought against Nabal that ended in his being stoned to death so Ahab could take the land.

We already know that King Ahab was evil, obviously his wife was, too. This evil man and evil people in general, do not care about others. Not their property, or their families, their feelings, and in this case, not even a man’s life. They want what they want and not to get it leads to frustration and anger and evil responses.

How many times in life (or in a day) do we become frustrated and angry because we do not get what we want? Though we do not have the power or influence to have people killed (thank God!), we are just as guilty of sin as Ahab (though I am not letting him off the hook).

Frustration and anger are a result of our pride, believing things should always go our way. These are a faithless response to a change in our circumstances or the expectations of others.

Today, we are suffering under people like Ahab and Jezebel who have “political power” among men. They will do what they need to to get what they want. This affects our wallets, our emotions, and even relationships with people who have differing views about them and what they are trying to do.

Humility and peace come from accepting that God is sovereign over every aspect of life, including the political realm.  He (apparently) has a plan to change our nation that is hard for us to understand.  If we trust Him as the all wise, holy, and providential God, we know His will is good, even if it seems that evil people are prospering now  (Psalm 37:7-9).

Are you and I willing to accept that God’s plans are on a much higher level than we can think through to understand? He is taking our nation, including us, through a time of serious change.  We can humbly accept the changes and seek His guidance for getting through the times or we can pridefully express sinful frustration and anger, rejecting His sovereign will.

God is faithful to His people. He has given us His Word so we can understand His wisdom, love, justice and mercy. When we respond to Him rather than to what we think things should look like, He will bless our faithfulness and show us more of His grace (James 4:6).

The Lord condemned Ahab to a pretty gruesome ending (1 Kings 21:19) because of his evil ways and the death of Nabal. The Lord shows us in this that He does care about the “little guy” and that He will take vengeance on evil doers (Romans 12:19).

Many may think His treatment of Ahab was not grace. The truth is that God brought justice and that is what He does (He never changes). His love for His people involves justice on the wicked. Vengeance does not belong to us but we can trust Him for justice today.

We must not fear the state of our nation as He is at work in our midst extending His grace the humble.


  1. Harry James on November 26, 2022 at 6:30 pm

    Beth, Could it be that God’s people are reaping what we have sown in our disobedience to our God by forgetting His Law?

    It seems like God’s people are being destroyed today as far as our moral influence on society and in some cases, Christians are being attacked and property destroyed.

    Remember, it is written that when God’s people are being destroyed it is because they lack knowledge [i.e.knowledge of God’s Law} and they lack this knowledge, not because it wasn’t available to them but because they have rejected it. As a result, God said, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me; seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

    What knowledge have we rejected? What law of God have we forgotten? What can we do now? Is it too last?

    Perhaps, we are attempting to serve two masters. That is a “no-no” for sure. I have some thoughts on that possibility I will share with you later.

    “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

    It sure seems like the inmates have taken over the asylum when you look at government at every level these days and that they are destroying our land in the process.

    Remember also, that it is written, If these people that are called by my name humble themselves and seek my face and repent of their sins, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land.

    I think it is time to take God’s advice and repent of our sins so that he will heal our land.


    by: Harry

    • Beth on November 28, 2022 at 10:06 am

      Indeed Harry, I too beleive that we are experiencing the judgment of our unrepented sin against our Holy God. I fear we do not understand the full importance of “taking dominion” by intentionally trying to influence the cuilture we live in. It is time to humble oursleves and pray.