Thy Kingdom Here

King's Crown


Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed,  nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” Luke 17:20-21

Physical and Spiritual

I can still remember the first time I taught about the Kingdom of God. I was teaching Bible Study Fellowship in the church sanctuary where we met. I was waving my hand around  to indicate that God’s kingdom is here, now. It is all around us.

But, in my mind this was a spiritual thing, not an earthly thing. Today, I know that God’s Kingdom is here, on earth, inaugurated at the first coming of Christ. It also includes His spiritual kingdom. I do not believe that we will see the full submission to His rule on this earth. I do believe that it will increase here – as it has from the time of Christ’s earthly ministry.

Increase of His Government

Isaiah 9:7 says that, “of the increase of His government there will be no end.”

Like all of God’s promises, this is playing out to be true. Jesus started with twelve disciples in the upper room near the time of his crucifixion, and a few hundred more who had believed at that time. Today, the world claims 2 billion Christians.

I think this is hard for us to get our heads around because, in our own nation, Christianity is slipping and sliding down hill. We have not been faithful – that is the American Church has not fought for her King. The King is allowing us to see the consequences of that lack of loyalty. But, China and Africa are just two places where God’s kingdom is growing rapidly! It is happening in many parts of the world.

God Has a Remnant

We are not the first of God’s people to live within a nation that has lost its way. Elijah was sure he was out there all by himself. (1 Kings 19:14) The Lord said, “No, I have saved seven thousand like you who have not bowed the knee to Baal!” (1 Kings 19:18) Habakkuk was crying out to God, “How long must I watch all this sin and violence all around me, and you do nothing?” (Habakkuk 1) God told him exactly what his plan was for bringing the nation back. It was judgment using Babylon! The book indicates that there was a remnant that God used during that time. Later, Ezra and Nehemiah brought back a faithful remnant to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple after the exile.

God always has a remnant.

So, our questions for today are:

  • Are we a part of the remnant?
  • Am I in a church that is part of the remnant?
  • How do we live as part of the remnant, in a nation where the remnant is small by comparison to other nations?
  • How do we stand firm in the face of a nation where no respect is shown for our beliefs, our King, or His Kingdom?


  1. Nan Maurer on March 3, 2016 at 1:36 pm

    Hey Beth!

    Thanks for posting these thoughts. How we think about the Kingdom–man I struggle with this concept so much. There are two kingdoms–the one of this world and the one of Christ. There are two citizenships, mine in this Republic and mine as a subject of Christ. One will pass; one will increase and be eternal. But how we live–that’s the rub.

    Will things grow darker and worse toward a tribulation period prior to a 1,000 year reign? Or will God through the Church usher in the Kingdom’s increase and ultimate reign? Two very different scenarios that plague me. What we believe about these two eschatological outcomes determines how we respond to things like politics and culture wars…

    Thank God for the saving blood of Jesus who died for us that all who believe in Him can be led by the Spirit and not the spirit of this present age. (I think I am a close Dispensationalist).

    • admin on March 3, 2016 at 5:43 pm

      Thanks for your thoughts Nan.

      I only see one kingdom, Christ is Ruler over all (King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6:15). At judgment, this will be clear to all as no one will be judged by another King. This is not to say that there is not rebellion going on. Just as when Absalom declared himself king of Israel, there was still only one King.

      I really believe the Isaiah passage that says, “Of the increase of his government there will no end.” So, even though the world may seem like things are getting worse, by the increase of his government, things are getting better for the Christian. As Christ’s government increases the world should get better, right?

      There’s no disagreement between us that eschatological viewpoints determine how we live and pray.

      We are in agreement, too, on the saving blood of Christ!