Tough Grace

Tough Grace

Then when he arrived and witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord; Acts 11:23

This one is not hard for me but apparently there are some – maybe many – Christians who struggle with a stance on abortion.  In Exodus 20:13 God says, “You shall not murder.”  This law is very clear to me.  Some seem to struggle with the questions, “is it only for Christians?” “When does life begin?”

Recently I heard several arguments.  One person was thinking from a compassionate viewpoint regarding the pregnant woman.  Her fear is that if abortion is not legal then the pregnant woman will go to the guy in a back room using a hanger to abort the baby leaving her with medical complications – if not death. 

Compassion for the unborn, unknown baby was not an issue.  I don’t know if this is because there’s no face on the unborn for us to remember or if they believe a fetus is not really a person. 

Someone else pointed out that our society is confused.  We allow abortions arguing that life begins at birth but if a man kills a pregnant woman he is charged with two counts of murder.  These two things upheld in the same legal system are inconsistent.  Which is it?

Clearly God tells us that He formed us in our mothers’ wombs (Psalm 139:13) and knew us even before that (Jeremiah 1:5).  Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward, Psalm 127:3.  Who are we to kill God’s creation and rewards?

As I was listening to the discussion I thought that this person was looking for the lesser of two evils (she certainly wasn’t advocating that we should kill babies).  I have said before and still say that the lesser of two evils is still evil.  A sterile, pretty clinic with flowers and paintings on the walls is still killing the baby just like the man with the hanger.  In the end the baby is dead. 

As Christians if we begin to compromise the Word of God we will start the slide down that slippery slope.  If abortion is permitted because the environment is sterile and pretty then it makes the unclean facility the sin.  As horrible as that is that is clearly not the message we need to convey.  

Some may agree that women are going to have abortions whether they are legal or illegal.  Maybe so.  In his letter to the Colossians Paul wrote, “Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the best use of time.  Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

I do not believe it is gracious to leave people in their sin.  If a woman thinks abortion is fine with God because it’s legal (after all learned people make the laws) then we cause that woman to stumble over their wrong and her own sin if we don’t tell her the truth.  Sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2).  If we don’t tell people the truth they continue in sin without warning and are subject to the wrath of God.  If we speak the truth it is a gracious act that may lead another to save her baby’s life.  Once she has seen and confessed her sin, then perhaps the Lord will save hers – eternally. 

The truth is sometimes tough to give out because it is not always well received.  But, the real Grace comes from God.  In His grace He forgives confessed sin – even someone who has had – or performed – an abortion can receive forgiveness from the God of all grace.


  1. Emily Ziehmer on March 14, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    I do not understand why Christians do not want to discuss our sins. A sin is a sin, and we are all sinners in need of God’s grace. That is the beauty of our faith that while we were still sinners, Jesus made atonement for our sins. He takes us as we are, filth and all, but we must not remain that way. I find it so crazy that Christians compromise the Gospel for fear of hurt feelings. I admire you, Beth, for speaking the Truth and for not apologizing for speaking the Truth. You have modeled to me that we must speak the Truth and not apologize. This does not mean to speak the Truth out of spite or vengeance, but to simply speak the Truth in love. I do not understand how believers have fallen into the trap of thinking is is loving to compromise the truth with an apology or by not speaking the Truth at all for fear of someone getting her feelings hurt. The Truth sets us free, and secrets keep us sick. Keep speaking the truth, sister. You are setting us captives free.