Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
This word, “undetectable” has been ruminating in my mind. After six years and two kinds of cancer it is the word we are given as the results of my husband’s cancer testing. Very good news indeed!
However, this word leaves some doubt. Because a cancer is undetectable, is it gone? Our guess is that no one wants to raise hopes with the words, “cancer free.” Undetectable, it would seem, is meant to leave a little doubt (probably to hold off lawsuits).
This word has caused me to remember a story I was told by a Christian woman. After working in an office for a few years, she decided to put an encouraging Bible verse on her desk. She had it printed and framed so it would look nice. She was the receptionist so hers was the first desk you encountered when you came in the office.
The very first day it was up, another woman in the office saw the verse and asked her if it was new. She said it was and the woman asked if she was a Christian. When she said she was the woman looked surprised. She said she had had no idea.
The woman was crushed. She said she had tried to be very positive and encouraging. She was a peace keeper in the office and was always conscious of her attitude. She lived the “Preach the gospel, if necessary use words” theory of sharing her faith.
She learned by posting the Bible verse that without the words, no one got the message. They thought she was a really nice lady but had no idea of the work the Holy Spirit was doing in her to make it so….until she put the Words of God on her desk. She was convicted that they also needed to be on her tongue.
It is important for us to consider whether or not our faith is detectable so we know if our lights are shining for the glory of the Lord (Matthew 5:16). If others wanted to know about Christ or scripture, would they know they could come to you or me and ask? Even if we do not have confidence that we can answer every question, we know where to find the answers.
“Undetectable” is a wonderful word to hear regarding cancer. It is a terrible word to hear regarding our faith.
Awesome analogy, Beth. First, I’m glad with you of the undetectable cancer for your husband’s tests. And pray it stays that way. 🙂 Yes, I want my faith to be detectable by others in not only my actions and attitude, but also by my words in sharing God’s Word.
Thanks Karen, You prayer is appreciated!
Prayer is such an amazing weapon for us and I think sometimes we forget about it’s power. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story worthy of praise.
Thanks Yvonne. Prayer is a wonderful gift.
Praise God for the “undetectable” cancer!! You are right that our faith should NOT be undetectable. I remember times in the past I was shy and self-conscious about owning my faith. I’m embarrassed about those days. Today I just want to shout from the mountaintops all the wonderful works God has done within me. He loves all of us! I hope we can all figure our ways to shine His light—with words and without.
Amen, Jessica! May all our shouts be heard for God’s glory!
Powerful story here, Beth. May our faith always be visible without us being overbearing about it.
Thanks, Nancy. Visible faith is a blessing.
This is a powerful post. May we always strive to have detectable faith.
Amen, S.A. Thanks for commenting!